Page 7 of Blood Bound

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“Frate? Gabe–” her words get cut off abruptly, and at the same time, I hear an ear-splitting growl and the heavy stomping of feet running towards me. The vamp who was approaching me now has a look of terror in his eyes, and he retreats just as the running becomes louder.

“NO!” Gabriel’s voice slams through my confusion, and I feel him speeding past me just as the smoke starts to clear a little bit. “No! Myrcella!”

My soul leaves my body when I hear Gabriel’s voice cracking with absolute sadness and remember him telling my informant to take Myrcella to safety… then I remember what the little girl called out.

Frate; it meansbrotherin Romanian.

I am rooted to the spot when I see Gabriel with blood-like tears running down his face and cradling the body of what looks like a twelve-year-old girl. Her hair has gone white, and her skin looks pale, gaunt, and desiccated, like a long-buried corpse. But I know that this is how vampires look when they’ve been staked.

For some reason, I am still holding my gun in front of me… and that’s when Gabriel looks up and sees me standing there. His eyes flicker to the gun in my hand, then down to the little blot in Myrcella’s chest. He frowns, then seems to put two and two together before he gets up and stalks towards me.


The moment an ice-cold chill shot through my body, I knew what had happened. I didn’t want to admit it at first, but my body moved before I could think that there had been a mistake.

There was no way Myrcella could be dead…there’s no way my only relative would have met her demise so quickly.

But that frozen shard slamming deep into my heart tells me different — the blue String of Fate tying me to my family has been severed. I am now the only Preutescu Pureblood left.

“NO! Myrcella!” I cry out when I see her small, lifeless body lying amongst the blood and debris. That shard gets embedded deeper into my heart as I hold her closer to me, feeling no warmth in her skin and seeing no rosiness on her cheeks.

My little sister is dead.

The sound of an erratic heartbeat snaps my attention to the figure standing in front of me with a gun outstretched, and the guilty blue eyes of Katherine meet mine.

I look down at Myrcella, the red dot on her chest telling me that she was killed by a baobab bullet to the heart… a wooden bullet fired from the gun Katherine is holding.

I kiss Myrcella’s head and lower her to the floor before slowly rising to my feet with rage burning in my heart. I invited this hunter into my home, and she had a tracking device on her; I allowed this to happen to Myrcella.

This is all my fault, and I am SO. FUCKING. PISSED.

“Gabriel…wait…” she stammers with fear lacing her scent. The gun clatters to the floor as she walks backward with her hands out in front of her. “I didn’t…this wasn’t….”

“You killed my only blood; a swift death is too good for you,” I growl, advancing on her with my fangs bared.

I have never killed a human, never sucked them dry, never ripped them in two; but right now, I might just change that. Fuck the consequences.

She shakes her head, her curls flying just as I reach her. “This wasn’t me! I didn’t do this!”

“Do you expect me to believe you after spotting you with a literal smoking gun in your hand?” I chuckle darkly, then I wrap my hand around her throat and push her up against the wall. “Your family has killed enough Preutescu vampires, this ends tonight.”

She grabs at my hand, scratching me so deep that she draws blood, but I don’t get rid of my grip on her throat.

“An eye…for an eye….” She chuckles, choking on her own saliva as she spews out her bullshit.

Her eyes flutter, and her scratching becomes less violent; I know that she’s fighting against slipping under. Always a fighter, this one, but I’m afraid that this is the end of the line for Katherine Décès.

I’ve played with her enough, and now I’ve paid the price.

A pop sounds to my right, and something gets lodged into the arm, holding her against the wall, and when I look down, I see a wooden bullet lodged in it. I chuckle at the feel of it going numb and rip it out of my arm.

“You missed,”

“No, I didn’t,” a female’s voice echoes, and Katherine’s head snaps up at the sound. Her eyes widen when she sees the woman holding the gun, and she rushes over to her before the feeling comes back to my arm.

The woman pushes Katherine behind her and points her weapon at my heart. “This one won’t miss, Priest; let us leave, and this will all be over.” The raven-haired hunter says with confidence even though she looks close to death, but the confidence falters when I laugh.

“Over? Your leader has just killed someone dear to me, little one. This is far from over,” I say with my heart shattering piece by piece at the thought of Myrcella laying dead on the floor.
