Page 16 of Sparks Fly

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THERE’S NO DENYING it: Conrad Foster is a good fuck. Those skilled fingers combined with the way he fills me up has me seeing stars just like he promised. My fingers claw at his strong shoulders as my orgasm builds. I find his mouth in the dark, loving the way he kisses me with raw, unbridled passion, claiming my mouth as if it is his to own.

“Can’t get enough of me, can you?” he murmurs against my lips.

“In your dreams.” I meant to snap, but at that moment Conrad’s thick cock grazed my g-spot, making my words come out in a breathless moan.

He reaches down between us and rubs my swollen clit, sending another jolt of pleasure through me. I’m so close. “Tell me how much you need to come.” His teeth graze along my neck as his thumb continues in slow, torturous circles. “Tell me how much you needmeto make you come.”

“No,” I choke out, but my refusal is weak even to my own ears.

“No?” Conrad halts his thrusts, pulling out of me completely. A frustrated sound claws its way up from my chest as I arch my back, seeking the friction I’m desperate for. In this position, Conrad holds all the power. “Don’t be shy, Princess. Tell me how much you love having my cock inside you.” He slides into me, painfully slow before pulling out again.

“I hate you,” I gasp out as he continues his teasing thrusts.

Conrad’s low chuckle has the throbbing in my lower body intensifying. “That may be true, but you can’t deny how much you want this.”

He slams into me again, swallowing the sound I make as he captures my mouth in a demanding kiss. It’s hard. Rough. Explosive. He catches my cries of pleasure and his hand curls around the back of my neck, holding my lips captive while he chases his own release.

When he drops his head back and groans, I feel his dick twitch inside me. His rhythm falls uneven before he stills, cock pulsing with each wave of his release. The sensation sends me crashing over the edge with him. As we both come down from our high, he rests his forehead against mine.

I’m glad it’s dark so he can’t see the mixed emotions etched into my features. What the hell am I doing? This is not who I am. I’ve only ever had sex with my long-term boyfriend–ex-boyfriend. I don’t have sex outdoors where anyone can see, and I certainly don’t have a quick fuck at a party with at least fifty people on the other side of the door. But for some reason, every time I’m around Conrad, I lose all my inhibitions. If Brady found out about us he’d murder me. Or Conrad. Or both.

Aftershocks continue to wrack my body. I should feel ashamed. I should be pushing him away. What I shouldnotbe doing, is threading my fingers through his hair and pulling him in for another toe-curling kiss. But what does it matter? It’s not like there are any feelings here. Conrad Foster will not break my heart the way Lachy did–I won’t give him that chance.

When he finally pulls out of me, I let my legs fall back to the floor, thankful that his body is still pressed up against mine to hold me up.

“Well, that just happened,” he murmurs against my lips. “I thought this was a one-time deal. Don’t you go falling in love with me, Willis.”

The amusement in his voice makes me scowl–though he can’t see it. His cocky attitude reminds me of why I hate him so much and why this lapse in judgement canneverhappen again. I smooth down my dress, knocking his hands away in the process. “In your dreams,” I retort, wishing my traitorous heart would return to its regular rhythm. I’m out of breath and the lack of oxygen is having disastrous consequences on my decision making.

“Every night.” He presses his lips against mine again, and it takes everything I have not to slide my tongue against those swollen lips, begging for entrance once more.

Feeling a little steadier on my legs, I push Conrad away from me and crouch down to retrieve my underwear from the floor. As I’m pulling them back on, I hear Conrad zipping up his shorts. I move to open the door, but he steps up behind me, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me back flush against his chest.

“What is this, Ivy?” he growls in my ear. “Because once can be written off as a mistake, but twice tells me there might be something more.”

I close my eyes, hating the way my body responds to his touch. I take a deep breath in, inhaling his masculine scent and failing miserably to calm my racing heart. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Conrad,” I say, trying to keep my voice level. “This was just me finishing off last year with a bang. Here’s to moving on to bigger and better things this year. Thanks.”

I open the door and slip out into the party, leaving Conrad alone in the dark bathroom.

* * *

“WHERE DID YOU disappear to last night?”

I pull my feet up as Brady drops onto the couch next to me. “I was tired. I walked home.” Not a lie, just stretching the truth a little. I slide my bookmark into place and toss my book on the coffee table. “No big deal.”

“Since when do you skip out on a party without letting us know where you’ve gone? Especially after what happened to Ronnie.”

I grimace at the reminder. “I’m safe.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t know that. Wren was really worried.” He sighs. “We both were.”

“I said I was sorry, jeez. Lay off with the protective big brother crap, will you?” Brady looks shocked at my outburst, but I’m not a child. I’m not about to tell him the truth. “You can see with your own two eyes that I’m here, I’m safe. I’m so sick of everyone walking on eggshells around me. I’m fine.”

Brady rubs a hand over his face. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on with you and Conrad Foster then?”

“Fuck me! Are you serious right now, B?” I massage my temples, feeling the beginning twinges of a headache. I turn on the television and start flicking through the channels, trying to brush off this whole conversation. “Nothing’s going on with me and Conrad.”
