Page 32 of Sparks Fly

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RJ’s sitting in a booth near the front door, and he stands and waves when he spots me. My smile is wobbly at best as I swallow my first-date nerves and make my way over to him, accepting the hug he offers.

“You look beautiful,” he says as we sit down.

“Thanks.” My cheeks flush and I run my hands nervously over the skirt of my dress.

“I’m really glad you agreed to go out tonight. I transferred here halfway through last year, and I haven’t had a chance to really meet many people.” He runs a hand through his dark, cropped hair.

“Where did you transfer from?”

“Sydney University.”

My eyebrows lift in surprise. “What made you transfer to Blue Haven?”

He shrugs. “Change of pace. It’s so hectic in the city. Not to mention the scenery is so much nicer here.” RJ’s warm brown eyes meet mine and I can’t help but wish they were someone else’s blue ones. “So, tell me more about you, Ivy. Wren said you’re studying teaching?”

“I love working with little kids. It’s so rewarding. What about you?”

“Bachelor of Fine Arts,” he says with a chuckle. “Much to my father’s chagrin. He still hasn’t accepted my passion for the arts. He’s still hoping I’ll change and do something more sensible, like business or law. Another reason for the transfer.”

RJ is a really nice guy. He’s attractive with a great sense of humour. The conversation between us flows so easily. He even throws his head back laughing about the prank war Wren and I started with Brady when we were fourteen–which resulted in my hair being bright green in my school photo that year. We get along great, but there’s no spark. No primal need to ditch dinner and go straight fordessert.

We’ve just ordered another round of drinks when the door to Patty’s opens., My skin starts to tingle and the air around me seems to sizzle. I don’t even need to glance over my shoulder to know that Conrad has just walked in. He’s laughing as he and his teammates walk past us, but his eyes are scanning the bar. They finally land on me, and his mouth kicks up in that stupid grin that I hate. I scowl and turn back to face my date.

“Isn’t that the guy from the beach? The one you work with?” RJ asks. His eyes dart between me and Conrad’s group making their way to the back of the room.

“Yep,” I say, a little more snark in my tone than I intend. I take a deep breath and force a smile. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting to see him here.”

“Did you want to leave? We could go for a walk along the beach?”

I can feel that Conrad’s gaze hasn’t left me–the burning in my cheeks tells me as much. I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. We’ve just ordered our drinks, and your friend’s band will be on soon.”

RJ simply smiles before reaching across the table and takes my hand in his. There’s not a single spark as our fingers touch. I bite back my disappointment. He continues on with a story about his trip to South Africa. I nod and smile in all the right places, but my mind keeps wandering to the sexy blond in the corner. He hasn’t taken his eyes off me since he walked in. He looks so pretty–like the devil.

When the waitress arrives with our drinks, my phone buzzes in my purse and I take advantage of the distraction to check the screen under the table.

Lucifer: Having fun Princess?

Ivy: Fuck you, Conrad. I told you to delete my number.

Lucifer: Clearly you didn’t delete my number… any particular reason for that?

Ivy: Leave me alone!

Lucifer: Is that really what you want?

Ivy: Yes.

I switch my phone off, ignoring the erratic beating of my heart. I down half my vodka soda in one go, wishing I could run the cool glass over my flushed skin and not draw attention.

“Is everything okay?” RJ asks. My eyes flash up to meet his. He’s so eager for this night–so innocent in this game Conrad is playing with me. I realise I need to put a stop to this bullshit once and for all.

“Of course. I just need to go to the bathroom and maybe we can take that walk along the beach?”

RJ grins. “Sounds good.”

I slip out of my seat and make my way over to the bathrooms. I deliberately keep my eyes trained on the floor, but I have no doubt that Conrad is watching. I know he’ll follow me–he won’t be able to resist.

I let myself into the ladies’ room and run the cold water in the sink. I need to get my emotions in check before I confront him. I’m determined to maintain control of this situation. I run my hands under the stream before placing them on the back of my neck.
