Page 35 of Sparks Fly

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I shift in my seat, wincing when the seatbelt presses against my bruised ribs. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was trying to hit every bump in the road just to torture me. “So, how was the rest of your date last night?”

She grips the wheel so hard that her knuckles turn white. “Are you seriously asking me that after what you did?”

“I’m not going to say I’m sorry for kissing you when your body was telling me how much you wanted me to. When are you going to stop fighting this?”

“Fighting what?” Ivy pulls the car off the road so she can level me with a fierce glare. “Conrad, there isnothingbetween us and there never will be. I’m not going to keep having the same argument with you. It was just sex.”

“You keep saying that, but I think it’s a copout.”

“You think because we had sex I’m going to… what, fall in love with you? Newsflash, Conrad: love is a lie. It’s a bullshit concept that people throw around without even knowing the power it has to bring someone to their knees. I don’t love you, and I never will.”

“I never said anything about love. Stop putting words in my mouth. I’m just saying there’s something between us and I’m willing to see where it goes.” I rub my hand over my face before taking a risk by adding, “Lachy really did a number on you, didn’t he?”

“Please stop,” she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opens them again, they’re shining with unshed tears, making me feel like a total ass. Though before I can open my mouth to apologise, she says something that cuts me even deeper. “Regardless of us, Conrad, it doesn’t change all the things you’ve done to hurt my friends.That’swhy nothing is ever going to happen. I already feel bad enough for betraying them after what you did to Tom.”

My blood runs cold. I’m done keeping quiet about this. My voice is low but steady when I tell her, “I didn’t rat Tom into the cops. Neither did Jasper. That had nothing to do with us.”

She leans forward, resting her head against her hands that still grip the steering wheel. “Lying to me isn’t going to change anything.”

“Look at me,” I demand. She shakes her head, so I lower my voice to a tone that she can’t ignore. “Look at me, Ivy.” She finally lifts her head and I stare unblinking into her green eyes. “I didn’t say anything to the cops. Why would I?”

“He was your dealer.”

“So? The dude knew where to get good weed. That doesn’t mean I wanted him to get in trouble.”

“What happened then? And why haven’t you said anything until now?”

“I honestly don’t know what happened. Dad busted the three of us smoking behind the gym. He spoke to us separately and we all got suspended. The next day, the cops arrested Tom. I didn’t narc and neither did Jasper. The reason I didn’t try to defend myself is because I didn’t give a fuck what other people thought aboutme. I just knew that I didn’t do anything.”

“So why are you telling me now?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” She shakes her head and I let out a deep sigh. “I care what you think.”

Ivy simply stares at me for a moment before looking away. Without a word, she puts on her indicator and pulls back onto the road. We don’t say anything else until she pulls up in my driveway.

She leaves the car running as I climb out, turning to speak to her through the open window. “Think about what I said. You know where to find me.”

She ignores me. “Make sure you remember to ice every twenty minutes.”

My lips tug up involuntarily. “Aww… you do care.”

She rolls her eyes, but I can see she’s fighting off a smile of her own. “In your dreams, Foster.”



MY HEART IS racing. I can barely breathe. I grip the steering wheel tight and stare straight ahead as I drive home. My mind is spinning. His confession about Tom’s arrest changes everything, and I find myself re-thinking what I overheard at Christmas. I truly believe him. And as much as I don’t want to admit it, he’s right. Thereissomething between us. But nothing changes the fact that I can’t pursue anything with Conrad–even if it does hide the pain I still feel over Lachy. Brady would disown me. He’s made his feelings about Conrad quite clear. Although, I can’t help but wonder if those feelings would change if he knew the truth.

Speaking of Brady, he’s sitting on the couch watching a surf show when I get home. “Where’ve you been?”

“Nowhere.” I sit down next to him and grab my Kindle from the coffee table. “What are you doing here?”

“Do I need a reason?”

“Just asking. The last time I saw you, you didn’t have very nice things to say.”

Brady sighs. “I’m sorry, Ives. I just don’t like that he’s suddenly everywhere you are. I don’t trust him.”
