Page 45 of Sparks Fly

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Dave eyes the tickets. “Fuck, The Romping Rhinos are playing at the festival. I’d give my left nut to see them live.”

“Not your right one?” Steiger quips, somehow managing to keep a straight face.

I roll my eyes. “I have a couple extra. Help me show Palmer who runs this team, and they’re yours.”

“Fuck yes! Dude I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” Dave almost pisses himself in excitement.

“I’d love to just tell him to pull his fucking head in or we’ll freeze him out,” Steiger suggests.

“That’s not a good look for the rest of the team.” I take my cap off and run my hand through my hair. “We need to be smart about this. If we do something in front of the team, we risk fallout. We need something a little more subtle.”

“We need to hit him where it hurts,” Dave adds. “He’s gunning for captain, right?”

“Right…” I arch a brow, suspicious of what he’s thinking.

“So why not use that to our advantage?”

“Keep talking…”



WE FINALLY HAVE a plan in place for how to deal with the liability that is Rupert Palmer. Dave, Kody and I hang out for another hour or so before making our excuses and heading back home. I let myself into my house with a grin which widens into a smile as a raven-haired blur streaks down the stairs and throws herself into my arms.

“Hey, brat,” I laugh, squeezing her tight. “Good to have you home.”

“It’s good to be home. How are you?” Ellie steps back, her eyes washing over me critically.

“I’m good.”

She lowers her voice, glancing over her shoulder. “Did you get them?”

I slip the envelope out of my pocket and hand it over. She–quietly–squeals in excitement when she sees the VIP passes and throws her arms around me again.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best. Next weekend is going to be epic!”

“Why’s that?” Dad’s voice is like a bucket of cold water being poured down my back.

“Just excited to catch up with friends,” Ellie squeaks out.

He narrows his eyes at us. “Where?”

“Conrad got us tickets to the Byron Bay Music Festival,” Ellie says, releasing me and turning to face him.

“I don’t think so.”

Her smile drops. “What?”

“I’m not comfortable with you going to a music festival.”

I can’t help myself. “Why not?” I sigh.

He narrows his eyes at me. “It’s not a suitable environment for a couple of teenagers.”

“She’s eighteen, Dad. Legally an adult.”

He completely disregards what I said. “Sorry, Ellie. You’re not going.”
