Page 9 of Sparks Fly

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This time my laughter is genuine. Leave it to Ellie to call a spade a spade. “Thanks, Jelly. I appreciate it,” I say, reaching over to scruff her hair.

She swats me away and rolls her eyes. “Have you heard from your coach about your community service?”

“Nope. I’ve only had one meeting with him since everything with Jasper.”

In said meeting, Coach had dished out a spray that would have made my father proud. I admitted that Jasper and I had been partying after the games, but I told him I was clean. I had been since I saw Jasper starting to spiral. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late for him, and I regret not speaking up sooner.

I haven’t lost my captaincy… yet. But now I’m the reason the team has to submit to random drug tests, and I still have a lot to prove to Coach. With everything that’s happened and next year being my last, I want to prove that I’m not a perpetual screwup. That I have what it takes to step up and be a good leader. Not for Coach, not for Dad–for myself.

“Connie?” Ellie asks, tilting her head at me.


“I asked what you think is going to happen to Jasper?”

“I don’t know.” His parents have stopped taking my calls–they probably blame me too. “How’s Ronnie doing?”

Ellie bites her thumbnail. “She seems okay. Physically, at least. I overheard Jordan telling Harley the other day that she’s been having nightmares.” When I don’t respond, Ellie sighs and climbs to her feet. “Look, I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore Dad and Grandad, alright?” She glances over her shoulder. “I’m going out for a little bit. Can you cover for me?”

I nod. It’s the least I can do after her attempted interventions at lunch. I have no doubt she’s disappearing to Harley’s, and a small part of me is jealous that she has that escape.

It used to be when things got bad at home, I’d disappear to Jasper’s, but I can’t do that anymore.

I’ve got nowhere to hide.



IT’S FUCKING TORTURE trying to hide how miserable I am at Christmas lunch with our friends. We’re sitting at two long trestle tables in the Breed’s backyard with a smorgasbord of food set out in front of us, courtesy of the Breeds and Jordan.

“I think you need to get some tips from Tom and Harley on how not to burn a roast, babe,” Brady quips as he takes a bite of meat.

Wren laughs, giving him a smack over the back of the head. “I can cook a roast perfectly fine.” She arches her brow. “As long as nobody distracts me while it’s in the oven.”

“TMI, you guys.” I groan and mime sticking two fingers down my throat. “God, I thought when you two moved in together I would get a break from your sex life.”

“Sorry, Ives.” Wren blushes and ducks her head. It’s still awkward as fuck to think of my best friend and my brother… Blegh. Never mind–not going there.

All conversation ceases when Ronnie’s lets out a low growl, followed by two warning barks. We all look over to the back door and my eyes go wide when I see the man stepping out into the backyard.

“Dad!” Harley jumps up from the table and races across the backyard, throwing his arms around his father.

Jordan and Brady grin at the new guest, but Tom’s face goes blank as he cautiously stands up. He walks stiffly as he approaches his brother and his dad. “I, uh… I thought you weren’t getting out until next week?”

Sam Breed scratches his jaw, eyes darting to the rest of us watching their reunion. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“You certainly did that,” Tom mutters.

“Dude!” Harley shoves his brother’s shoulder. “What’s your problem?”

“Nothing. Good to have you back, Dad.” Tom slaps his dad on the back as he walks past him into the house.

“Welcome back, Sam,” Jordan calls. “You hungry?”

Harley leads his dad over to the table and conversation resumes as Sam takes Tom’s abandoned seat.

“How’s your dad doing? And Lachy?” Sam asks Jordan, serving himself some roast lamb and pasta salad. “Sorry to hear about your mum, Maribel was a good woman.”
