Page 67 of Mafia And Taken

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I opened the door. “Come in, doctor.”

This was the man whom we used for medical issues and emergencies when we were visiting our Italian villa.

His brows bunched up as his gaze fell upon Cate. “I take it this is your wife. Is she unwell?” Marco had informed him as soon as we’d arrived in Italy, letting him know who was here and telling the doctor to be on standby in case we should need him for any reason.

“No, she’s not unwell. I gave her a sedative.”

He narrowed his gaze, knowing that he was probably not going to like what I said next.

“I need you to put a fertility implant in her.”


“You’re a doctor. Surely, I don’t need to explain it to you.”

“Is your wife having issues conceiving? I was under the impression that you were only recently married.”

“There are no issues. I want her pregnant as soon as possible.”

“At her age, and given the lack of issues, she really doesn’t need—”

“I didn’t ask for your advice.”

There was a long pause. “She has agreed to this?”

“No.” I saw no need to mince my words with this man.

“Alessio, I don’t think this is—”

“I don’t give a fuck what you think. Get your equipment ready.”

He sighed. “I don’t carry fertility hormones with me as a matter of course.”

“No matter. I’ve already sourced exactly what I want.” I handed over the implant which would release hormones into her system over the next six months or until it was removed.

This was a relatively new implant which I had sourced from a medical contact. It avoided the need for regular shots—which was ideal in this situation because I didn’t want to have to drug Cate every single time I needed to give her a shot. But the implant had the disadvantage of being such a size that it necessitated making a small cut in the recipient’s skin in order to insert it.

I had already looked through the calendar Cate kept with her tampons. In it, she noted down the start of each of her periods. And from that, I had worked out her ovulation cycle.

Now that I’d finally been inside her, I would be taking her regularly, but I also had plans to step up our sexual encounters when she was most fertile.

Because I needed my seed in her. And I needed her belly round with my child.

I didn’t know what it was about this woman that made me lose all reason and all sanity.

I needed her like I needed oxygen.

And my heart needed her like it needed blood to keep beating.

She was the reason I lived now.

The doctor looked at me over the rim of his glasses, his expression making it clear that he was not in agreement with my plan. Taking out the necessary equipment, however, he set it out on a sterile tray.

“The best area for this sort of implant is the front of the hip. Please lower the sheet to her waist.”

Although he was a doctor, he was a man. And I wanted to kill him rather than let him look at my wife in a half-naked state.

Reluctantly, I carefully moved the sheet, although I didn’t lower it like the doctor had suggested. Instead, I adjusted it so that while Cate’s breasts and pussy were still covered, her right hip was now exposed.
