Page 41 of Mafia and Protector

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“I can tell.”

“I know it’s been difficult for you, but you are under our protection now. Nothing will happen to you—I promise you that.”

I nodded, but I still didn’t know how I could suddenly stop being so afraid all the time.

Sensing my doubts, Gabriel carried on. “We all have scars. You have to fight your weaknesses. In our world—the Mafia world—life is harsh, and it will devour you if you let it.”

“I’ll try,” I said as firmly as I could. From the few things my own brother had told me, training for the Società initiation was pretty tough for the men, and I doubted a man like Emanuel would have spared his sons. “And thank you.”

“For what?”

“For what you just said. And for letting me spend time with Storm—he really is a beauty,”

“Just don’t go spoiling him with those sugar lumps. He’ll expect that every day otherwise.”

And just like that, he was back to the brusque, standoffish man I usually encountered each day. I now knew, however, in that cold heart of his was something a little bit like humanity.


The following week arrived and along with it came my father’s birthday dinner.

When we reached my parents’ home that evening, I turned off the ignition and looked at Jessica.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked quietly.

She nodded in response.

“Okay. But know that nothing will happen to you tonight.”

She nodded again, although this time it was more hesitant.

I got out of the car and walked around to her side, opening the passenger door and offering her my hand. She gratefully accepted it, and I helped her out of the car as she tried not to step on the hem of her long plum-colored dress.

She often wore shades of purple, although normally more of a paler shade which she called ‘lilac’. She’d told me on one of our runs that it was her favorite color. She often painted her nails that color, and although she didn’t wear much make-up normally, she had a lilac eyeshadow which really brought out the silver tones in her pretty gray eyes. Her favorite purse was also made from a soft, lilac leather.

Once Jess had exited the car and straightened her dress, I took her hand firmly in mine. I felt her shiver slightly under my touch, but then she tightened her fingers around mine.

We walked to the door, where my mother stepped out to greet us. “There you are, Rafael. We were wondering what had held you up—you’ve missed the drinks. We were just going through to the dining room for the meal.”

“Sorry, Mother, I had some business to take care of.” That was a fib. I had purposely timed our arrival to miss the drinks and thus minimize the time Jessica would have to spend with my family tonight.

“Jessica, dear, you look beautiful. I hope my son realizes what a lucky man he is.”

“That I do,” I chuckled, noting the look of confusion on Jessica’s face as I spoke.

The presence of the twins ensured that conversation during the meal was flowing and therefore no one seemed to notice that Jessica was quiet.

No one, that is, apart from my father.

“So, Jessica, how are you finding married life?” said my father loudly, his lewd tone making her pale.

Jessica visibly swallowed. “It’s fine, thank you.”

“Come now, surely you can share more details than that?” he continued, openly leering at her.

I clenched my fists under the table.

“When will you be breeding an heir for my son? You know what is expected of you, don’t you? And I’m sure my son is enjoying having a nubile young girl in his bed.” He laughed a cruel laugh, and Jessica looked away, red rapidly rising over her pale cheeks.
