Page 143 of Mafie Trials

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But the moment I finally accepted these men into my heart, allowed them to see the deepest, darkest depths of my soul, I said I would break for them. I said I would die for them.

As I watched them take their final breaths, everything I have inside of me begins to shatter into thousands of pieces. The things I never thought possible until I found them—every thought, every connection, every feeling I believed I was never capable of having is fractured beyond repair.

Their deaths may have broken me, but before I give up I will fight one last fight just for them. The men I loved.

I will have their revenge.


I sit in the hospital waiting area, right outside the OR waiting to hear news on Nessa and Arrow. My phone hasn’t rung with an update from the boys and my nerves are on edge. I begin barking orders at my men in the room, needing a space set up that I can use as an office.

People begin to scramble. I have security posted on all doors and Doc supervising all surgeries ensuring no ill intent to my people. Laney is already in a room slowly recovering from the knockout gas and a shoulder injury she likely didn’t even realize she had. Havoc is with her and hasn’t left her side. After our time together, I trust him completely.

I’ve called her parents and updated them and as soon as she is better, I will have a car ready to take her to them. We agreed it wasn’t safe for them to come here right now. Not until we knew what the boys had done with Evie and Adrik.

The news on the television above flashes with reports of an explosion at an airport. I look at the screen to see destruction all over. Reports of bodies are coming up and all I can think about is my son.

I finally got a computer and I found the files of the security footage of the property. I comb through it as quickly as I can until my eyes are red from exhaustion. I don’t hear it when the doctor approaches behind me.

“They should both pull through. The girl is recovering in room one and the man in room two. She’s already awake and asking for you.”

The doctor is young and followed closely by Doc, so I know I have nothing to worry about. Doc is one of my oldest friends and trusted more than anyone close to me. I never would have let my son and his friends attend if I wasn’t allowed to plant my own people there to keep them safe.

I nod at him in dismissal, combing through the footage one last time, and that’s when I see it. My hands shake as anger washes over me, but Nessa needs me. I shut the laptop and bring it with me to her room.

“Is everyone okay?” she asks immediately. I shake my head and tears come to her eyes. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

She’s hyperventilating, panic setting in and after everything she’s been through. It’s not fair for her to feel this right now with the pain so clearly written on her face.

I send Doc a text. Less than a minute later, a nurse comes in with medication that will keep her relaxed and out of pain. I go to her side and hold her hand, feeling so small in mine. She’s so young and fierce, but tender and kind. Nessa cares with a heart of fire,F and I find I don’t want to leave her side no matter how much I should be doing right now.

As she doses off to sleep, I keep one hand interlocked with hers while I use the other on my laptop propped on her bed. That way I never have to take my eyes off of her. Then, I get to work, planning our next moves carefully.

This time, he won’t see us coming.
