Page 10 of Wolf Spell

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But Marrock, morphing now to the beast, stomped towards me, through the fire.

My throat felt raw. “Brighter, hotter!”

The next thing I knew, I was off my feet.I lunged my athame through his side. He didn’t even flinch! He held me by my neck, his other hand pushing my head to the side as his oversized and rank jaw opened up over my neck.

Choking from his rancid stench, I screwed up my face, my legs kicking as I tried frantically to cast another spell.

He growled in my ear, “Want some werewolf in you? Here, have a bite…”

My body went limp as his teeth sunk into my flesh, his vile curse pounding through me. I felt weak, dizzy and sick all at once.

He snatched my athame, pulling it out of his side and hurtling it to the ground as his jaws clamped harder.

Hot fire whipped through me, nausea bubbled as I was tossed, just as he had tossed the poppet at me, into the undergrowth by the tree-line.

My hand instinctively touched the bite, wet, burning as I fought the pain, desperate for any magic to undo this.

His tainted, stinking blood.

Rasping, I tried to struggle up but he was there again in the blink of an eye, bloodied with fury in his eyes. Half morphed, his guttural roar bellowed through me.Holding my athame, his lips curved into a mean smile.

“I’m feeling in a sporting mood. You have ten seconds head start. Then you’re mine. I’ll enjoy hunting and claiming you, Ms. Brandt. Go!”

I struggled up. Screw you alpha-hole.

Without looking back, I bounded into the trees, searching frantically for a denser part of the forest. Muttering and weaving my fingers as I ran, I tried in vain to use a masking spell, something to hide or mask my scent. If only I could do that.

“That won’t work, I’ve already found you.”

Dishevelled, I screamed, “that wasn't ten seconds!”

He flashed his fangs as he smiled. “I lied.”

As he threw me against a tree, a blood-curdling cry cut through the forest, cut through me. And him. He stopped dead, his eyes darting around.

His face changed back to human form, thank god. Now he turned away, to where the noise came from.


Snapping of branches, of feet trampling, twigs cracking underfoot.

Oh my god, I’m going to die. Either by this lunatic lupine or by some crazy witch. Suddenly a life without magic seemed like a dream.

It screamed again. It was a man’s cry. And one filled with terror.

Marrock’s men were at his side, though keeping a distance as his eyes scanned all around us, but his hands were still around my neck and he forced his body into mine.

No doubt because my knee was itching to nut him.

Stepping back, he threw me aside. “Take her, put the cuffs on her. Then find me. Hurry.”

A pack of them descended on me, snatching at my hands. The metal finger cuffs burned my skin.

I tried to mutter an incantation but with so many pulling on my wrists and snarling, it was useless. My only hope was that whoever from our coven had put that poppet there, would find me. And that my fate wouldn’t be the same as Lisa’s.

Cold iron seared my skin as the shackles were clamped shut and they pushed me hard towards the path Marrock had taken.

Trying to keep my footing, we trampled through the forest as the weak morning sun cast a few rays which seemed to dance through the branches above. No birds sang, the place was as silent as the grave except for the heavy footfalls from the pack.
