Page 49 of Wolf Spell

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Now my heart crumbled. But if it meant Lycaon was alive, even though I couldn’t see him, it would have to be enough. To know that he was out there, under the moon, the same as me, and every time I looked at the sky, at the moon, I would think of him.

I nodded. I went to speak, he sneered.

His eyes lowered as he roared, “Say no more, witch. Now go. And don’t look back. Or you will meet your death with the bite of my wolf…”

Fighting back tears, I wiped my face with the back of my arm. Stealing a glance at Lycaon, I staggered off, hoping at least I was in the right direction of the road. Adara hadn’t arrived, and Zale would hopefully keep his word. The wind was colder, I shoved my hands into my coat pockets.

It was a long walk home. Mile after mile with a broken heart but at least he would live.

Eventually I found the road, my heart in pieces, my soul like lead. Hearing my pulse pumping through my ears, I shivered. I wanted to cry, to scream but there was nothing left. No energy, no will, no nothing.

The clouds above teased with the moonlight, everything else was pitch black. Stumbling, I didn't care now. Death would be easier than this.

A solitary howl pierced the silence, I shivered as I made my way out of their home. And I vowed to myself, never, never trust a werewolf…


“No wonder I couldn’t find you, what are you doing on the road, you should’ve called me.”

Luke chewed his lip as he eyed me suspiciously, one hand with a single, brilliant flame flickering on the breeze.

He appeared before me, nearly making me jump out of my skin.

“My phone was taken. Zale is healing Lycaon, but on the condition that I never see either of them again. So, I’m walking home.”

Rushing forward, his fire extinguished as he opened his arms and engulfed me in him.

“I’m sorry, mate. That sucks. Shifters huh, you can’t trust them.”

I’m ashamed to say I wasn’t able to retain my tough witch image but I did manage not to sob all over him. Stupid I know, I hardly knew Lycaon, yet living in the world without him felt like being sucker punched.

Taking a breath, I stepped away. “Have you had any luck finding something to take down Adara?”

He frowned. “Not yet but we’re close. I can feel it. They’ll be expecting the usual magic, Babylonian, Mesopotamian… We’re thinking... Hell? We have contacts in Hell, Lucifer is the obvious one, though he doesn’t live there now, and Anthony. He was a vampire. Come on, I’ll fill you in. Ready?”

I nodded then took his offered hand as he muttered a spell and cast us away from these cursed woods and to his home.

“Ah, the witch and the dragon. Tea, coffee? Something stronger?”

Sitting at the kitchen counter, an extremely pale faced man with black curly hairand blood red lips and the whitest eyes, smiled at me. Unable to control it, heat swirled through me, my heart fluttered. Confused, I caught my breath, unable to look away.

Luke grinned. “Ah yes… Elsa,meet Anthony. He has that effect,” he spluttered a laugh.

Wetting his lower lip with his tongue, Anthony peeled himself off the stool, extending a hand and holding my gaze. Like he needed to do that.

“So? Where’s the werewolf?”


Luke’s voice was gruff. “Zale is apparently healing him, but he’s barred Elsa here from ever seeing Lycaon again. And you know, they’re together, Anthony, so you stop your flirting.”

Grimacing, Anthony looked from Luke to me. “Why? Is this Zale jealous of you two?”

Luke went to answer, but I cut in, “I think he sees it as saving Lycaon from me, from witches. It’s possible in the beginning that Zale’s lover was betraying him. I don’t believe she died betraying him though. He’s bitter, and is now more adamant, ironically, that different species shouldn’t coexist together.”

Nodding, Anthony sighed. “Whiskey then? Honestly it’s like being a bloody mortal sometimes. Species bickering about who can do this, who can’t do that or the other. Well Elsa, I’m sure once Lycaon is restored, he’ll decide for himself. For now, I’m mustering the legions of Hell. Dukes, princes, knights… We’ll take down Adara and reclaim our rights. And, I’m sure you and Lycaon will get your happy ever after.” He turned away and walked to a cupboard, pulling out a whiskey bottle.

Luke shrugged. “God knows we need a happy ending. Sorry, Elsa, are you hungry?”
