Page 5 of Wolf Spell

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Josey and Becca spat a curse at him, pummelling him with a bolt of heat but that made him tighten his grip around me as he growled.

I tried to knee him in the balls but he blocked me. I couldn’t breathe, let alone answer. So close to me, his body pressed into mine, I could feel his heart beating faster, matching mine.

“I’ll burn you alive, Elsa. And your witchy friends. Then I’ll piss on your ashes. You hear me, bitch?”

Josey lunged at him, he threw her off without trying, snarling, “Your magic has less power here. I’m warded.”

“Well this house obviously wasn’t warded enough, alpha-hole. Why the heck would our coven do this? The clue is, we wouldn’t. You have absolutely nothing that interests us,” Josey chided.

Becca stepped back warily as Josey rubbed her head, seething and slowly scrambled up.

I should’ve come alone.

A voice shouted his name in the distance. Gasping for breath, shaking, I slumped as his grip loosened.

“Marrock, look!” the shifter squealed in horror.

As the alpha stepped away, I tensed, summoning a whip of fiery energy, feeling its heat as it whirled from my heart through my limbs like an electric current. For a split second my eyes flickered, then muttering a spell I blasted him with a bolt of scorching light.Unlike Josey and Becca, I’d added blood magic to my incantations.

It smashed into his back, taking him to his knees. Anger boiled inside of me. “This has nothing to do with us, you insolent prick! You don’t interest us that much. Next time…”

A cracking, snapping of bones had me inhale sharply.

The alpha was changing, morphing into the beast. I scooped down, grabbing at my athame as his knuckles wracked the ground.

Panting he snarled, “Try that again, I’ll set my pack on you. Do you understand?”

Shaking, I edged outside the doorway as he remained in human form.

I tried to think, but shock reverberated through me. I glanced back at the pentagram and as he bolted out, and made my way to the back wall.

Cringing at the iron stench, the dark magic stuck in the back of my throat. Casting my hand over the pentagram, it felt familiar somehow. As I held my hand there, dizziness had me blinking rapidly.

Becca and Josey sprang over to me.

“Holy hell, no wonder he was pissed off!”

Becca shuddered. “What the...? Who could’ve done this, our coven is the closest. This has to be something to do with Lisa, oh God, Lisa.”

Turning too fast, I put my hand out, Josey grabbed it. Keeping my voice low I said, “Do you think this is their doing, one of the packs? Marrock might be alright with his pack dating witches, but I’m betting most of his pack aren’t.”

Pulling my hand away, I steadied myself.As I eyed the place walking around, Josey and Becca mustered magic to reveal whose blood was sprawled on the wall.

The lodge was cosy. Thick wool rugs lined the wooden floor, a fire was dying in the burner and pictures of who I presumed to be Nathan and his family, his friends adorned the walls. I could see why Lisa would’ve fallen for him. Like Marrock, his dark hair fell just below his ears. High cheek bones, square jaw and stubble. Huge dark eyes with a smile that would melt any heart. His features were softer than Marrock. A young man, or werewolf not as jaded as his alpha.

A small gold frame twinkled, catching my eye. It was next to a chair beside the log burner on a round teak table. A photo of Nathan and Lisa, laughing in each other's arms.

So, who had taken the photograph? And she’d obviously being seeing him for sometime, in secret, for him to have a photo of them. This wasn’t a recent fling.

What other secrets were hiding here?

I walked back over to the wall, leaning in to smell the blood that had been used to smear the pentagram. As my finger lightly touched the blood, ice blasted through my veins. I shook violently.

I knew whose blood it was. Suddenly confused, my head swam again as if I was drunk. Stumbling, ignoring the protests from my friends, I followed the alpha who had bounded ahead of me. He stood dead still. Then he cried out.

His voice echoed through the surrounding forest, ripping right through my body.

