Page 21 of Grumpy Player

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“They’re amazing,” Connor reports after popping the third one in his mouth.

“You guys need to tell me what is happening in this game,” I say, watching the television. “The rink is divided in two with two nets, one on each side,” Connor begins.

Syd leans into his ear. “Tell her you’re a goalie.”

Connor grins. “Syd wants you to know I play the goalie position.”

“Tell her you’re the best,” Syd whispers in his ear.

“I’m not,” he retorts, and Syd gives him a pointed glare. Inside I am dying from these two. Then he sighs. “Syd thinks I am the best. I’m not there yet, but I am hoping to be. This injury is a setback.”

“I have a feeling you can do whatever you set your mind to,” I tell him because look at this guy. He’s rough around the edges but so sweet and caring with his daughter.

“I’m going to need to walk around the apartment for ten minutes after the game. I have to get my blood flowing since I’m at higher risk for clots from being in bed all day. Then we can tackle the bath,” he says, and he’s clearly not good with compliments.

“No problem.” I swallow hard, thinking of his wet naked body.

Suddenly Connor jumps. He’s watching the game so intently it’s like he’s living it as he shouts at the screen for the guys to skate faster. When one of his teammates scores a goal, he cheers. When the goalie blocks a shot he says, “That’s our backup goalie. He’s now the main goalie. I was so scared of getting injured I messed up and got injured anyway.” His words are heavy and he seems to be beating himself up over something he probably couldn’t control.

“That’s tough, but I’m sure you’ll be back to normal soon enough,” I say.

“Doctors are waiting to do another MRI. Need to see if I’m healing properly. If my hip is too messed up, my career is over,” he says.

“Well, we need to do everything to get you better then,” I cheer.

Syd moves to his side and he wraps an arm around her. “You’ll be better soon,” she says sweetly.

“Thanks, Sweet Pea,” he replies and my heart just bursts.

We continue watching the game. The Rangers win and Connor says, “Watch, they are going to take the Stanley Cup without me this year.”

Me though, I am still thinking about bathing him. My body reaches boiling temperatures as I think about Connor in the bath. This is totally fine. Shit. No, it’s not. I’m screwed. I’m clearly not only falling for Syd, who is the sweetest kid on the planet. Her dad isn’t so bad either. No, that’s a lie. He’s a hottie who is going to make my ovaries burst, and damn, I’m in trouble.



My life is one big shitstorm after another. Not only did I go and get myself injured but I also decide to hire a drop-dead gorgeous nanny, who is now also my nurse. Having fantasies of her in a nurse uniform, caring for me, is giving me a semi. Ellie is the whole package with a rocking hot body. She’s also sweet and amazing with Syd. I honestly can’t find one bad thing to say about her. I’m also a man with needs. Needs I’ve put off for a long time because I don’t want to rock the boat, so to speak, where Syd is concerned. We left Canada because it felt too hard to be there. Coming to New York was the best thing we did. There are a lot of nice guys on the team. Some have kids around Syd’s age. It’s been good, that is until I decided to play in a game when I should have rested. I keep beating myself up because I am always trying to be so careful, and yet I was so stupid and now I’m out for the rest of the season.

I keep peeking over at Ellie’s legs as she watches the game with us. She’s wearing a pair of leggings that hit just below her knees and a cropped T-shirt that shows off her flat midriff. I don’t know why I agreed to hire her, other than she seemed to connect well with Syd. I can’t think of myself or my needs when I have a daughter who needs all the extra love and attention I have to offer. When I was working full time, I couldn’t be here for her as much as I wanted to and I hated it, but this is my job. That is if I don’t get traded, which I really don’t want because Syd is settled here. I don’t want to have to move her again.

Syd yawns. There is only so much hockey she is willing to watch before she starts complaining of boredom.

“I think now would be a good time for you to go take a shower,” I say to my daughter because I need to see how the game ends. “Ellie, maybe you can help her get the water on and then come back here and you can deal with me,” I suggest because the thought of this woman giving me a bath is giving me more than a semi.

“Sure,” Ellie replies. She hops off the bed. “Come on, Syd.”

Syd crosses her arms in front of her and shakes her head.

“Syd, I need you to go. Daddy wants to take a bath too, please, Sweet Pea. You know I’m not feeling well. I need your help.”

That seems to do the trick. Syd leaves the room and Ellie follows her out. My eyes lock on to her fine ass as she is leaving. My teeth dig into my lower lip as I fantasize. I blink my dirty thoughts away, feeling like a douchebag. This woman is here to take care of my kid. Having dirty thoughts about her is completely inappropriate.

Ellie returns five minutes later. She has her dark auburn hair tied in a high ponytail on her head. “Okay, tell me how I can help you.” At least she’s wearing a bra, even if I prefer her without one.

“If you can swing my legs together off the bed, it would be a great start,” I say.

She does that and as she bends to the floor her loose T-shirt opens and I can see right down her top. Her white lace bra and full breasts are in clear view and my breaths quicken. I squeeze my eyes shut.No ogling the fucking nanny.
