Page 55 of Grumpy Player

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Ellie gives me a look and I give her a sheepish grin. She has no idea how grateful I am to her for staying by Syd’s side today.



We head out to the black Escalade waiting for us at the curb. I help Syd inside and take the seat beside her.

Warren is sitting there with a smirk. “You must be Sydney. You’re more beautiful than your mom said.”

He really has no clue how to charm a six-year-old.

“Warren, this is Ellie, the nanny,” Sybil introduces.

I nod my head, knowing better than to expect him to shake my hand.

“Nice to meet you,” I say to him.

He nods back but his eyes do a sweep over me. The outfit I’m wearing is designer. It’s just over five years old.

“We are late for our reservation,” he notifies Sybil.

“It’ll be fine,” Sybil assures. She takes his hand and smiles. “How is school, Sydney?”

Syd looks at her but doesn’t speak.

“Are we back to this, Sydney? It’s important for you to speak and say what is on your mind. Remember, we spoke about this when we were back in Canada.”

This woman also has no clue how to deal with a child.

We eventually pull up to Antonella’s and my stomach sinks. My family owns this restaurant.

We head inside and Warren gives his name to the hostess. I do a quick sweep of the place to see if any of my family members are here. It is going to be very awkward if they are. I don’t see anyone, but my eyes land on Tony, the manager.

Tony spots me and a wide smile spreads his lips. He walks over to me.

“Ellie, it is so good to see you. It’s been too long. How have you been?”

“Good, Tony. This is my friend, Syd,” I say to him.

“Hi, Syd.” He smiles crouching down.

“Hi, Tony,” she answers. I’m starting to see a common theme with Syd. She talks to adults she trusts, and she trusts Tony because I know him.

“Let me find you and your guests a very special table,” Tony winks at Syd.

Syd smiles back.

“Have you been to this place before?” Sybil asks me curiously.

“My mom used to work here,” I lie, but I try to make it not a very big lie. I mean Mom did come here for lunch often when we were small, saying she needed to check in with our local businesses.

Sybil nods, clearly appeased with my answer.

We are taken to a table off to the corner by a large window, overlooking an outdoor garden.

Syd is seated next to me and Sybil and Warren are seated across from us.

“What do you want to eat, Sydney?” her mom asks.
