Page 85 of Grumpy Player

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I get up and his cum drips down my legs.

“Damn, you look hot.” His blue eyes look like they have flames inside them. “That was very unexpected. I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

“Or your dick away from me,” I add and shrug.

He smirks and shakes his head.

“We better get clothes on,” he says, eyeing the door.

He reaches down and passes me my jeans and panties that I left on the bench beside him. He also passes me a towel he has in a cubby above his clothing hook. I wipe myself and dress quickly. Connor dresses too.

When we reach the door it swings open, and Connor freezes.

“Luke,” he says wide-eyed.

The man shakes his hand.

“Hey, man.” The guy smiles.

“Luke, this is my fiancée, Ellie,” he introduces. I look over at Connor a little surprised but I guess I shouldn’t be. We are both all in on this arrangement.

“Fiancée? Wow. . . congratulations,” Luke says.

“Thanks,” I say, and he shakes my hand too.

“Catch you two later,” he says to Connor. “Got to look into something for Coach.”

“Sure thing,” Connor says.

Connor and I head back into the elevator.

“Do you feel bad about lying to everyone?” I ask him once the door closes.

“Yes and no,” he replies.


“I’ll do anything to protect Syd,” he replies. It isn’t the answer I was hoping for. I’m a little disappointed but it makes sense. Connor’s heart is guarded. “But I do feel bad lying to people who are important to me.”

“I felt bad lying to Skylar earlier,” I admit.

“Makes sense. She’s your friend but we also can’t tell the whole world the truth or else it won’t be real. It won’t be convincing, and I need to convince Sybil and maybe even a court of law.”

“And I need to convince Nana,” I add.

We both look deep into each other’s eyes and silence befalls us. It’s awkward and I can’t help but think what we have isn’t fake. We may not be at the point of nuptials yet, but I can see myself falling in love with this man. Which means I am screwed because Connor does not seem to be on the same page.



I return to the apartment after a very productive training session at the arena. The guys aren’t in town, but I hired Patty on a private basis to train me since she doesn’t work for the team anymore.

The guys are back on the road for the conference finals. They’re headed to Philadelphia and while it would be nice to follow them on the road and watch them kick ass, I am also beating myself up over getting injured in the first place. I wasn’t feeling right the night I got injured. My groin was stretched and a part of me knew I should sit the game out, but there was also another part of me that didn’t want to disappoint. I wanted to be there for my team, just like I wanted to be there for my mom when she was sick and for Syd when she was born. I am the responsible guy. The dependable guy but, damn, sometimes playing that role can be tiring. That’s why I booked an Airbnb in the Catskills. I’m going to surprise Syd and Ellie. I haven’t taken a vacation in I don’t know how long. I’m always on call as a father and as a player. Something tells me that Ellie also hasn’t had a vacation in a long time, and she did mention she liked to paint landscapes. Back in Canada we lived in Vancouver. The landscapes were stunning. You could see the Rocky Mountains from town. There were so many picturesque places to see. Since we arrived in New York City, all we’ve been exposed to is noise, pollution, and high-rises. Leaving the city is going to be a much-needed reprieve for all of us. Including Syd. Not that I would’ve minded taking Ellie on this little adventure on our own. As a parent I’m always on call, but I felt bad leaving Syd with Skylar and Crew after that debacle with Sybil. Syd keeps asking about her mother. She’s worried she’ll have to see her again or go live with her. I’m not going to leave my daughter when her anxiety is running high. That’s why she needs this trip too. Time to unwind and break from our everyday routine, while taking in the fresh air and beauty of the great outdoors.

I walk through the front door of my apartment, vibrating with excitement.

“Hello, anyone home?” I call out.
