Page 90 of Grumpy Player

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“I love Syd,” I blurt. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

Connor’s eyes squeeze shut, and he looks like he is in physical pain. “Those aren’t the words I wanted to hear right now but I appreciate them, nonetheless. It means a lot that you care about her so much. It makes me want you more.”

“I should go to sleep,” I mumble, holding my cocoa close to my stomach. I don’t look him in the eyes because I know whatever I see will break me. I will kiss him and there won’t be any turning back. Instead, I walk past him and head straight to the master bedroom. I close the door and lock it, not that it is necessary. I place the cocoa down on the nightstand and get into bed. Only I am restless, horny, and very confused. I slide a hand into my pants and roll my clit, hoping an orgasm will bring me some relief from the tsunami brewing inside me.

I am already wet. Of course I am. Being close to Connor lights my body on fire. I rub my clit and insert two fingers inside me. I pulse around my fingers, imagining they are Connor’s. Picturing his deep voice as he grunts. I want him. I rub faster. I want him. I rub even faster until my orgasm overtakes me. I fall over the edge, my back arching while I bite back the moans that threaten to escape. When I come down from my high, I am not sated. I still want him.



I wake and stretch in bed. Something inside me feels unsettled, but there is also excitement vibrating through my body about spending the day with Connor and Syd. I use the electric remote to open the blinds and my breath hitches at the beautiful surroundings. The lake is calm, the greenery around us flows in abundance. A serenity I have maybe never felt washes over me and I just stare out into the horizon. I hear Connor in the distance with Syd, so I figure I have time to take a shower and wash my hair, even though we are going hiking and biking.

After my shower, I brush out my hair and place it in a messy bun. I get dressed in a pair of shorts and wear a cropped T-shirt since it is expected to be warm here today. I then apply some lip gloss, slip on socks, and take my runners with me downstairs.

When I get to the kitchen, I see Connor has Syd sitting at the table and he’s made a spread for all of us.

“Hope you’re hungry,” he says.

“If you keep doing all this then I won’t feel like I am doing my job,” I reply.

“You’ve gone above and beyond, Ellie. This is me trying to show you my gratitude,” he replies.His words have deeper meaning to me than he intendsis what I think. How many people show each other they are grateful for one another? My family sure didn’t behave that way. There were a list of expectations and if you didn’t follow through, you were out of the mix. Connor seems to be cut from different material.

“This has all been amazing, thank you.” I reach for a chair but Connor gets to it first. He removes it from being tucked under the table and motions for me to sit. His eyes give off a playful vibe and it hits me right in the heart.

The table is covered in fruits, waffles, and whipped cream.

“This looks yummy,” I say, placing a waffle on my plate.

“The strawberries are very sweet,” Syd says.

“Thanks for the tip.” I grin and place strawberries on my waffle and top it off with some cream.

Connor walks over and fills up my mug with coffee. “I wasn’t sure how you take it.”

“Two milks and two sugars. I got it.” He’s already placing the milk and sugar in front of me. I could get used to being spoiled in this way. Sure, I had nannies serving me when I was a kid, but this feels different. This isn’t an obligation for monetary compensation. Connor is spoiling me because he cares and having him care for me is making me fall so hard. I hope he understands what he is doing because this man has the ability to gut me at this point, which makes me nervous. How will I fake marry him? How will I walk down the aisle and look him in the eyes and say I do when I want it to be real?

He finally takes a seat beside me and we all talk about our day. Connor says we should do a small hike and then head over to the bike rental.

After we clean up breakfast, we fill our water bottles and take some snacks in a backpack that Connor holds on his back. We head out. Connor takes Syd by the hand.

“You’ll need to walk for a bit, Sweet Pea.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

* * *


My head has been spinning since last night. Ellie is under my skin. She is more than under my skin. She fits me. She fits Syd, and I can’t seem to keep my hands off her, but we’ve only known each other a short time. This attraction could die out.

We head on to the path and my gaze fixates on her toned calves.

“We are doing a short trail to a waterfall,” I explain.

“What is that?” Syd asks.

“It’s water that flows over rocks,” I say, not having a better explanation. “There is also swimming that we can do at the bottom, but we didn’t bring our bathing suits so maybe we will just take pictures.”
