Page 21 of Behold Her

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“Mona, quit staring at your phone and take your turn!” Grace barks at me from across the table. She gets bossy and impatient after her second glass of wine.

“Sorry…” I glance at the screen before setting it down.

“What’s so distracting, anyway? Oh my god, is it that guy from Nightlight!? Did he finally get the balls to text you again?”

Rachel sets down her glass and looks at me with wide eyes. “There’s a guy? What the heck? Why didn’t I know this?”

My cheeks burn as I set my cards down and try to hide my face behind my glass.

“He’s really hot, too. Dark red hair mussed like he just got done fucking someone, and dark eyes that made him look like he wanted to devour Mona.” Grace waggles her eyebrows, giggling as Rachel’s mouth rounds into an excited “o”.

“His name is Max.” Blair’s hawkish gaze scans me. We hadn’t talked about him at all since the debacle at The Vault, so this is news to her as well.

Rachel leans across the table to grin at me. “Ahhh, tell me more!”

All thoughts of finishing our game out the window now, they wait for me to speak. What do I even say? I can’t tell them anything of substance. I don’t even know Max. Despite how often and thoroughly he ravages me as I dream. “There’s not really anything to tell. We’ve only messaged a few times, and it wasn’t anything substantial.”

“But you want him.” Blair makes it a statement rather than a question.

“N-no…I mean, maybe? I keep dreaming about him, but that doesn’t mean anything other than that I haven’t gotten laid in forever.”

“Ooooh, you’re dreaming about him? Sexy dreams?” Rachel’s eyes glitter with delight at the prospect.

“Just tell him you want him to come over and fuck you. I’ll do it for you,” Grace says, reaching to grab my phone. She’s too slow after the wine, and I grab it up before she can read his messages or send anything back to him.

“No way! Now can we finish up letting Rachel crush us? As much as I love having you all here, it’s almost 11.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to keep you from inviting your guy over once we leave,” Blair says, deadpan. Grace and Rachel cackle as I cover my face with my hands.

They head out after teasing me a little longer and by the time they’re gone, it’s late. I know I need to go to bed so I’m not a zombie for work tomorrow, but it’d be rude to ignore Max. I’ll just send him a quick reply.

Mona: I can’t say I’m all that upset, either.

Max: Dreaming about you is the best part of my day. It makes me wonder what reality would be like. Do you think about it, too?

A dull throb pulses between my thighs. Great, now there’s no way I’m falling asleep anytime soon. I stare at my phone, considering how brave I want to be.

Mona: Yes. I can’t stop thinking about it.

I reply, then immediately regret my choice. I put my phone on “do not disturb” and shove it under my pillow with an agitated sigh. It takes me ages to fall asleep, and when I do, the dreams are more vivid than ever.


“What are you doing here?!” Mona’s eyes widen in shock as I slam the bathroom door open and she turns from the steam-clouded mirror to look at me. She clutches a towel to her chest as beads of water slide down her still damp skin, daring me to follow the trails with my tongue.

My pulse races with a terrible thrill at her palpable fear. I should feel bad for breaking in here, but all I feel is the unquenchable thirst for her. “You know why I’m here. Teasing me through your windows. Making me crazy. This is what you wanted.”

“N-no, I didn’t—I don’t!” She gasps, taking a stumbling step backwards. I close the space between us before she can move away, a snarl twisting my face as she blinks up at me while I tower over her. Waves of her terror-soaked lust slam into me as I wrench her hands behind her back and spin her to face the mirror, pinning her against the edge of the sink with my body. The towel falls to the floor and she cries out something between a scream and a moan, grinding her ass against my stiff cock as she struggles to break free from my hold. I tighten my grip and reach my other hand to swipe across the condensation on the mirror in front of us, clearing it so that we both can see the sinful picture we make. Her eyes sparkle with unshed tears and her mouth hangs open, her heavy breasts rising and falling with gasping breaths. I barely recognize myself—eyes wild with fevered desire and jaw set with the determination to take what I need. The demon inside me screams in satisfaction at the sight, and a ripple shoots down my spine as darkness gathers at the edges of my skin and my wings threaten to unfurl.

I bite into Mona’s neck with a dull scrape of my teeth, snaking a hand down her soft belly to grasp her pussy roughly. She whimpers and I grind up against her, sliding a finger through her wetness. “Don’t lie to me, Mona. You wanted me to break in here and take you like the filthy slut you are.”

“Oh god,” she gasps as I circle her clit. She’s already close and the need to be inside her wars with the need to see her come now. Her head falls and eyelids flutter closed as her orgasm builds and I release her arms to tangle in her hair, tugging her head back. She hisses and her eyes shoot open, locking on to mine through the mirror.

“You’re going to watch yourself come on my fingers, then on my cock, until all you can think about when you look in this mirror is me.”

“Fuck, I—I can’t—please,” she whimpers, tears falling as she rocks her hips against my hand. Begging for me to let her go. Begging for me to keep going.

“That’s it, come for me.” My voice is a rough, unfamiliar snarl as I watch her come undone, shuddering in my grasp as my eyes burn into hers. I can taste her climax, shooting through my veins like a drug. She is my addiction now.
