Page 44 of Behold Her

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“Yes, baby?”

I’ve never liked when previous partners used pet names with me. It felt stilted and disingenuous. But the way Max purrs the endearment sends tingles scattering across my skin.

“I, uh, I need to use the bathroom.”

“Oh shit, of course.” I hear Max cross the room to the bed and he quickly undoes the binds on my wrists and ankles. I turn over onto my back with shaky arms, and he leans over to undo the collar. I close my eyes at the oddly intimate feel of his fingertips slipping under the collar. When he slides it off, I open them and my heart skips a beat at how close his face is to mine.

“Hey,” I say in a whisper.

His lips curl into a devastatingly handsome smile. “Hey.”

He helps me up to a seated position on the edge of the bed, then runs a soothing hand down my arm, watching me the whole time with a hint of concern on his face. I get lost in his eyes and the overwhelming urge to press my lips to his, forgetting for a moment what I asked for until he squeezes my hand and gestures to a door on the side of the room. “The bathroom’s in there. Do you need anything else?”

“What time is it?” I ask, not seeing a clock in the room with us.

He grabs his phone from the top of the dresser and checks it. “12:30.”

Holy shit, we’ve been doing this for two and a half hours? “Can you get my phone for me? I promised Blair I’d text her by 1 to let her know I’m not dead.”

Max lets out a low chuckle. “Oof yeah, I’ll get that for you.” He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, then heads out of the room, leaving me alone again. I’m glad he’s not here to see the ungraceful way I stumble into the bathroom.

After I’ve taken care of my physical needs, I take a second to snoop. His bathroom is clean and neat, with a handful of products lined up by the sink. I make a mental note of the rainfall shower that looks big enough for the both of us and the large soaking tub. There’s no decor, though, and when I return to the bedroom, I realize there aren’t any decorations there either.It’s like the home of a serial killer.

With that disconcerting thought, I pick up my phone where Max set it on the bed and send off a quick message to Blair. Max still hasn’t returned by the time that’s done. He’s left the door to the hall open, so I grab a gray robe hanging on a hook in his bathroom and tiptoe out to find him.

The hall empties into an open living room and modern kitchen, well-furnished but devoid of life. Max stands by the fridge, and he turns around when he hears me approach.

“So, what’s the deal with your place?” I gesture to the empty walls and beige furniture.

He shakes his head, like he knows how bad it is. “It’s a rental. I’ve put off adding any decor since I wasn’t sure how long I’d be staying.”

“You’re not planning on making Moonvale your home?” We’ve never discussed if he’d moved here for good—I just assumed. Which was dumb of me.

My tone must betray some of my surprise and disappointment, because he shakes his head again. “Staying in this house. You’re—uh, Moonvale is stuck with me for the foreseeable future.” It sounds like he wanted to say thatI’mstuck with him.

A small smile creeps onto my lips at the thought. “Ah, right. Well, if you need help finding something more permanent, my friend Rachel is a realtor.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep her in mind.” He comes closer, holding out a glass of water. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I am until he does and I take it gratefully, chugging most of it down.

Max takes the glass back from me and sets it down on the counter, then reaches out to take my hand in his. He holds it up closer to his face, his thumb running along the faint redness from where the cuffs were.

“Does this hurt?” he asks in a low murmur. All I can do is shake my head no and let out a breathy little exhale when he brings my hand to his lips and presses a tender kiss to the inside of my wrist. He releases that hand and does the same with the other wrist. Then he kneels down in front of me and glides his fingertips along my ankles. “What about here? Does this hurt?”

“No—ohhh,” I say, the word turning into a sigh when he kisses the delicate flesh.

Max places his hands on the sides of my legs and slides them up until the hem of my robe parts to expose me to him. I shiver in anticipation as he cradles my hips with gentle hands and leans in to place a kiss on my inner thigh. His mouth moves higher until he’s at the juncture of my thighs, and he presses a featherlight kiss there. I gasp and step my feet wider, opening myself up so he can kiss me where I need his mouth the most.

A rumbling, pleased sound escapes Max as he looks up at me from his knees. “What about here?” He buries his face between my legs, lapping at my sensitive clit.

“Oh!” I grab onto his shoulders to steady myself before I fall over. His tongue explores my pussy in unhurried strokes, humming in pleasure as he tastes me. I’ve never been with a man who seems like he likes the way I taste, but Max acts like he can’t get enough.

I almost whimper when he pulls back. His eyes lock onto mine as he looks up at me, his chin glistening with my arousal. “Don’t stop. Please.”

“Mmm, greedy girl,” he murmurs against my thigh, gripping my ass tighter and pressing his face between my legs, redoubling his efforts. It doesn’t take long with the expert teasing of his tongue around my clit before I’m coming, melting into his touch with a cry. I almost collapse, but he stands and steadies me against his chest, pulling me into an embrace.

“You taste so good, Mona.” He groans against my ear, and I feel his erection press against my stomach. “Fuck, I’ll never get enough of you.”

“I don’t want you to.” I raise up onto my toes and he meets me halfway, our lips touching, sending sparks dancing across my skin. We stay like this, kissing and holding each other for what feels like an eternity. I never want it to stop.

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