Page 121 of Obliterate

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There’s something so calming, so intoxicating, so fulfilling in that.

This woman has put countless lives at risk. Been the cause of death, chaos, and corruption. She has been a bane in Defiance’s side for so long now that this moment has been building and building.

Every member of Defiance is standing back, watching her writhe as she suffers. It’s like a beautiful harmony, a song we have all been desperate to hear.

The bitch gurgles, coughing and spluttering. Her tense body slumps back to the table with a thump while her lungs give up the fight as Zero runs out of blood. He throws the bucket to the floor, his nostrils flaring with the anger flowing through him. “How’s that for weak, you stupid bitch?” he mumbles, letting out a long, languid breath. Then, finally, he places his fingers on her neck, checking her pulse.

We all wait anxiously, and he gives a simple nod.

Silence filters through the room, no one saying or moving a muscle, when Marcel pulls out a camera and takes a photograph of the Baroness’ dead body.

We all widen our eyes, and he chuckles. “Don’t worry, none of you are in the picture. It’s evidence this bitch is dead, so I can get her competitors on my side. Strictly business. You understand.”

“You keep our names out of this, Marcel,” Hurricane demands.

Marcel dips his chin, turning for the door. “Defiance and me, we’re good. You know that. This was a good thing, Hurricane. There’s gonna be some changes in the way the South is run. You will have more freedom, both of you. Defiance comes out the victors here. I’m so glad I was here to witness this masterpiece, but I amnotstaying for this mess. Kings don’t clean.”

We all chuckle as Marcel and his men leave the chill room.

We all turn to Hurricane, Zero, and Six, who, together with Hoodoo, have pulled off one of the best twists I have ever seen.

“Glad you’re alive, Six. It was killing us to think we’d gone through with this,” I tell him.

He chuckles, tilting his head. “I’m glad it was a struggle for you because if it was an easy decision, then we do have a problem. But I am regretful we couldn’t tell you, especially my brothers, who thought they had lost their president. Believe me, we didn’t want to put you through that, but we thought it was the only way we could get this fucking bitch once and for all.”

Texas cranes his neck to the side. “Not gonna lie, I’m a little fucking pissed. But I can see you needed real reactions. So I get it! Just glad you’re okay. But you look like shit. Do we need to get you to the hospital or something?”

Hoodoo chuckles. “It’s because he’s been in the chill room for so long. We do need to get you out of here and warm you up, Pres. It’s time to head back to the clubhouse. This time, we can really celebrate because we got the Bratva,andwe got the Baroness.”

We all send a cheer around the room, and Hurricane raises his hand to quiet us down. “We may have won this battle, but our job is not done. Bayou, I know our boy has only just had a feed, but do you think he has room for another one?”

Bayou chuckles, nodding his head. “Have you seen La Fin, Pres? He’s not that fat because he’s counting carbs. My man will eat anything you throw his way. And trust me, I think this will be his best meal yet. I know I’m gonna takegreeeatpleasure in watching him eat that cunt.”

Zero turns to Hurricane and places his bloodied hand on his shoulder. “I know La Fin is a NOLA icon. And I realize his feeding time is sacred to the club, but Hurricane, I’d like my guys to be there to witness the Baroness’ final moments… it’s closure for us.”

Hurricane dips his chin. “I think this moment is gonna bebigfor all of us, brother. Disposin’ of Anton was huge. He was a fuckin’ fucker who needed to be gone. But this bitch… sheisthe reason the Bratva even found our women in that bunker. She tried to blackmail us into turnin’ against our own brothers. There ain’t nothin’ more un-fuckin’-forgivable than the shit she pulled. So yeah, watching her end will be closure for us all.”

Bayou and City move over to her body and begin to package it.

“We will transport her over to the clubhouse, get her dismembered, and then meet you all on the dock,” Bayou states as he, City, and Maverick get to work wheeling the table out of the cool room.

A collective exhale sounds around the room as we all look at each other, but Six is the first to speak, “Hurricane told me you guys had a real hard time coming to terms with having to take me out. I regret we put you guys through that torture, but we saw no other way. But thanks for trying. I do appreciate you standing up to your president. I’m just glad it didn’t tear your club apart, and we got through this. We came out with the win. Now, we have to let all those grievances go and realize that everything that was said, everything that was done, was for the greater good. Our alliance is stronger than ever. We are Defiance. We overcome the odds, even when they’re stacked high against us. I am proud of Houston. I amsofucking proud of NOLA. Good job, guys,” he says, slapping Texas on the back for good measure.

Hurricane dips his chin and leads everyone toward the exit. “All right, let’s get back to the club so we can finish this once and for all.”

It’s been a long-ass day, and honestly, I can’t wait to get back to see Ingrid just to let her know we’re okay and that we got the damn bitch. She’s the reason Anton and his men hurt Novah, so Ingrid will watch the Baroness’ demise. I think there’s going to be a lot of people out on that bayou to watch this show.

And I, for one, can’t fucking wait.

Three Hours Later

An eerie silence filters around the clubhouse as we all walk together. I wrap my arm around Ingrid, holding her tighter to comfort her in the moment.

The Houston brothers walk as one club while we make our way through the gate toward the water. There are too many of us for everyone to stand on the dock. The rickety wood will collapse under the weight.

Bayou is already at the end, with a row of buckets, and Zero, Six, Hurricane, and Novah step down onto the dock while the rest of us stay back on the bank of the bayou.

Ingrid stands, her back to my front, and I wrap my arms around her tightly. I lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek as Bayou draws Novah close to him.
