Page 51 of Obliterate

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I stand, and Ingrid follows as I reach out to shake his hand. “Thanks for taking such good care of her, doc.”

His grip on mine is firm, letting me know he isn’t scared of me. Which only makes me respect him more. “It’s my pleasure. You’re in good hands, Ingrid.”

She leans forward, shaking his hand. “Appreciate it. See you soon.”

We turn and walk out the door, making our way to the receptionist and then back to the car.

Holding open the door, Ingrid slides into the passenger side with a small smile. “You really are a soft teddy bear underneath it all.”

Letting out a grunt, I scowl. “Fuck that! I ain’t no teddy bear.” I close her door to the sounds of her giggling as I walk around to the drivers’ side.

Opening my door, I slide in, and she stares at me, so I turn to look at her. “What?”

She shakes her head, letting out a soft sigh. “Just the way you stand up for me. The way you fight for me. The way you hold the car door open for me. It’s like you’re an old soul trapped in a young body.”

I smirk. “It’s like you’re a young soul trapped in an—” I stop wherever I was going with that, and she lets out a laugh.

“You’re fucking lucky you stopped, Romeo,” she quips, pointing her finger at me.

I lean in, clamping my teeth down on the end of her finger. Her eyes widen as I slowly suck on her pointer for good measure.

She shakes her head, pulling her finger from my mouth with a slight pop. “You’re incorrigible.”

“And you’re sexy as fucking sin, so how can you blame me?”

Ingrid snorts out a laugh, sliding her hand onto my thigh. The feeling sends a sense of calm through me that I didn’t know I needed. I sink into the seat and put the car in reverse.

“Thank you… for seeing things from my perspective in there,” Ingrid adds.

I side-eye her as I pull out onto the street. “I get it. And you know I will always have your back. I also want what’s best for you. It’s the only reason I spoke up in there.”

“I know, and I appreciate it so much… having someone care about me like you do is nice.”

I turn to glance at her quickly before turning my eyes back to the road. “You know… if you told Hurricane, Bayou, Novah, and Nash, they would all react the same way I did. They would all want to be here with you, supporting you. Everyone loves you, Ingrid. You’re the heart of this club.”

She sinks lower into her chair. “No… they don’t need me. They all have their own lives they live. Hurricane has Kaia and baby Immy to take care of now. Novah and Bayou have each other, and they’re pregnant now too. And Nash has Brianna and his business to keep him occupied. They don’t need me to take care of them anymore.”

I scowl. “They may notneedyou to care for them, but you’re still their mother. They love and adore you. They will alwaysneedyou.”

She raises her brow. “Do you need Lucia?”

I let out a loud laugh. “That’s different. My mother is the devil’s spawn. You saw that firsthand. You’re a fucking good mom. They are lucky to have you.”

She places a quick kiss on my cheek. “See… teddy bear.”

I snort out a laugh. “Fuck off.”

She giggles as we drive back to her home, where I will spoil and treat her like the queen she is for the rest of the night.

But we need to come up with a plan.

And quickly.

About how to tell the rest of her family.

They need to know what’s going on.

Because I honestly don’t know how much longer I can keep this secret from them.
