Page 61 of Obliterate

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Lani shrugs. “Then that’s all that matters.” A bright smile lights her face. “It won’t be easy though, that’s for sure. But Ingrid is an amazing woman, and it’s about time she found someone to make her happy. I’m glad it’s you, South.”

“We haven’t told anyone…no one.”

She gestures as if she’s zipping her lips shut. “Consider it locked in the vault. Don’t worry, I’m good at keeping secrets. I got your back.”

“Thanks, Lani, I owe you. Can you watch Ingrid for me while you’re down in the bunker? Make sure she’s okay?”

Lani bumps her shoulder into mine. “You know she’s going to run around taking care of everyone else down there, right? But yeah… I’ll ensure she’s taken care of too.”

“Thanks, Lani, you’re the best.”

She grins wide, swaying her dress to the side. “I know.” She beams. “Now, scoot, I have food to prep!”

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply and turn, walking out of the kitchen to help in whatever way I can in the clubhouse.

Because I have a feeling shit’s about to get real.

And by real…

I mean fucking terrifying!



The tension around the clubhouse has been so fucking thick you could cut it with a knife. Not just because the guys are anxious about the Bratva, there’s something else. Something deeper they’re not telling us.

There’s animosity brewing as well. I’ve been a part of Defiance long enough to know when shit is happening between the brothers, and that isnevergood.

It makes me nervous.

Honestly, I have enough to worry about right now without adding my club breaking apart at the seams. It’s not something I thought I would ever see. These guys are so tight. I have no idea what could be causing this kind of hostility between them.

I can’t tell if the other women are noticing it, but I’m a mother and can sense these things. This club is like one big family, and when families are at odds, it’s clearly because they don’t agree on something.

The club always backs each other.

So whatever this is, it must be a huge.

As the guys stand around, saying their goodbyes to their old ladies, I feel South’s eyes on me from the other side of the room. He looks like a lost puppy, his eyes meeting mine, both of us wishing more than anything he could come over and we could say our goodbyes like everyone else.

But that would be suspicious.

So he hangs back with that longing look, which is killing me right now. I wish I could do something to let him know I’m feeling the strain of this, too, but as my heart feels like it is beating out of my chest, my attention is drawn away when Bayou comes over, placing his arm around me. “You make sure to take good care of Novah and my kids for me while you’re in the bunker.”

I snort out a laugh. “Knowing Novah, she’ll be running the place like clockwork in no time.”

Bayou dips his head in acknowledgment. “Yeah, I can picture that.”

Novah steps up beside us with a bright smile on her face. “Are you talking about me?”

Bayou slides his hand over her popping-out stomach, and he chuckles. “I always talk about you, baby. You should know that by now.”

She rolls her eyes, leaning into his embrace. “You need a hobby. I’m gonna buy you a llama or a fainting goat or something. Give you something else to put your time into besides me.”

I chuckle.

Bayou nuzzles his face into her neck. “But I can’t do to a llama the things I can do to you.”
