Page 65 of Obliterate

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“Not what you were expecting, Ingrid?” the Baroness calls out, walking to the refrigerator and grabbing herself a bottle of vodka.

I let out a laugh. “Nope… not at all.”

The Baroness’ men all turn toward the exit, and I furrow my brows. “Aren’t you staying to guard us?” I call out.

“We’ll guard the perimeter, but you will have the interior to yourselves. We will check on you periodically. For now, everything you need should be readily accessible.”

I nod. The rest of the girls are still doing business as the men walk out, closing the big door behind them. I hear a beep like it’s locked with a code when they leave. I’m unsure if I feel relieved or more concerned by that small click, especially because the Baroness is still here with us. But I choose to try and relax my shoulders.

Lani, however, comes to stand beside me. It looks like she might be a little overwhelmed by all this. “You okay, Lani?” I ask.

She nods, but it’s unconvincing. So I wrap my arm around her, and we move over to one of the more out-of-the-way sofas and take a seat. “What’s on your mind?”

“It scares me that we’re in here not knowing what’s going on out there with the guys. I mean… I’ve never met anyone who treats me the way Grit does. We’re supposed to be getting married. What if he doesn’t make it through this fight?”

I reach out for her hand. “Lani, his name is Grit for a reason. Because he’s made of the strongest stuff. If anyone is coming home, it’s him. He loves you more than I have ever seen anyone love another person. You guys are what couples strive to be.”

She glances up at me, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Do you have someone in your life, Ingrid?”

Her question shocks me, not because she asked, but because of thewayshe asked. It’s like she already knows the answer.But how could she?

“What? Why would you ask that?”

She weakly smiles, placing her hand on my knee. “I know it can be hard when we fall for people that our family won’t approve of. I only had a minor taste of it with Hurricane and his disapproval of Grit, so I totally understand wanting to hide certain things. But honestly, the thing I have come to learn about this life, Ingrid, is it’s fucking short. And trust me, shit happens, time and time again, that puts your life in danger. Honestly, at this point, I am so fucking grateful that I’m even still here. So, I take every day as a gift. I guess I am trying to say that if you like someone, and they like you, if it is real, then embrace it. Go with it because, honestly, it can be taken away so fucking fast, and you’ve spent all the while hiding and wasting time. I know the initial shock will be bad for those not expecting it, but Ingrid, he is a good guy. Actually, he’s a great guy, and he really fucking adores you.”

My heart hammers in my chest as I stare at her in disbelief. “So we’re not talking in riddles anymore. We’re flat out talking about my relationship?”

“The one with South? Yeah, I know… and I think it’s great, Ingrid. I really do—”

“He told you?” I blurt out.

She shakes her head, gripping my hand tighter. “No, absolutely not. I overheard his phone call to you. He was hiding in the pantry in the kitchen when the club went into chaos after the Baroness dropped her bombshell. I walked in and heard his side of the conversation. He said your name, so I knew it was you. We talked after when he came out of the pantry.”

“Who came out of the pantry?” Novah asks, stepping up to us with a bright smile as she sits opposite Lani and me on the sofa. “Is this some coming-out-of-the-closet euphemism I’m not aware of?”

I love how innocent she is.

“No darling, not a euphemism. South was in the pantry, getting some food and stuff. Nothing for you to be concerned over.”

Novah slumps back onto the sofa, her hand rubbing the small lump of her four-month-pregnant belly. “Well, that’s a boring story. I need something to keep me entertained in here.”

My muscles tense as I roll my shoulders. “It’s the truth.”

Lani glares at me, and instant guilt rolls through me as her words hit me like a freight train.

If you like someone, and they like you, if it is real, then embrace it. Go with it because, honestly, it can be taken away so fucking fast, and you’ve spent all the while hiding and wasting time.


She’s right.

I’ve spent the past few weeks fighting this with South because I’m so worried about what my family will think.

Nash already knows.

Now, I need to tell Novah.

“You okay, Mom? You look a little pale?” Novah asks, sitting forward.
