Page 19 of Blue-Eyed Hero

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“Here.” Reid ducked down and placed an ice pack on her ankle. The cold bit into her skin, and she hissed.

“You’re fine, huh?”

“It’s cold. Next time, give a girl some warning before you just drop ice on her bare ankle.”

He didn’t even try to hide his massive eye roll. His hand ran up her calf, and her body immediately reacted, shifting toward him and never wanting his touch to go away.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her tone too breathy as his hand moved to her ankle. He removed her shoe and held her foot up to inspect it.

“It doesn’t look like anything is broken.”

“I could have told you that.”

“I told you these things are dangerous.” Reid held up her shoe as if it was a lethal weapon when, in fact, it was a very beautiful Christian Louboutin she spent entirely too much money on.

She snatched the shoe from his hand and held the heel facing him. “Want me to show you just how dangerous they can be?”

“Maybe I should drive,” Luna said.

“I am perfectly capable of driving. You two are making this into a bigger thing than it needs to be. Can you both just leave me the hell alone?”

“Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?” Reid cracked, and Allison shot him a glare.

“That’s what I’m saying,” Luna added.

“I do not need you two teaming up on me.”

“Don’t worry, Aunt Allison, I got your back,” Presley said, and Allison turned her hand behind her for a high five.

“Thank you, P. At least someone sane is on my side.”

Reid glanced up at her, still crouched from taking her shoe off. His blue-eyes danced with humor, and he shook his head. “You sure you can drive?”

“If you ask me again—”

“As the sheriff, it is my duty to keep people safe, so if you can’t drive, you are not only putting you and everyone in this car in danger, but others on the road and sidewalk.”

“Sidewalk! Reid, back off. I’m fine.”

“Okay. Take it easy. No more running in these things.” He held up the shoe, and she snatched it out of his grasp. She held it over her shoulder, and Presley took it from her.

“I have a pair of sandals back there, P. Can you hand them to me?” Presley handed over the completely flat sandals and Allison slipped them on her feet. “Now if you’re done harassing me, officer.”


“Potato Patato.”

“Have a good day,” Reid said and went to shut the door before stopping. “I wanted to let you know I sent that letter out to be scanned for fingerprints, and I finally got the results back. Unfortunately, they didn’t find any.”

“Oh okay,” she said, hoping to end the conversation before her sister stuck her nose in. The last thing she needed was Luna to get wind of this.

“What letter?”

Too late.

Allison glared at Reid and shook her head.

“The threatening letter some lunatic sent Allison at the station,” Reid said as Allison sliced her hand repeatedly across her neck. Clearly Reid didn’t understand subtly. Maybe she should slap a hand over his mouth.
