Page 70 of Blue-Eyed Hero

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The line went silent.

“I can’t lose her.”

“You won’t, and like I said, Louie could be dead.”

“But he might not be. That bastard has escaped every attempt on his life.”

“He’s older now. Slower. He’s been out of the game for years.”

“Still, he might have her. All the letters, the tongue.”

“Okay, you need to fill me in.”

“I need to find her.”

“You need to get your head on straight in order to do that, so start talking.”

He didn’t have time to talk. Every second wasted was a second Louie had. But Angel was right. His head wasn’t on right. He wasn’t thinking straight. He needed a plan.

He could tell Angel everything, figure it out, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t keep looking while he did. So he started from the beginning while he searched every hallway and door in the building.

Chapter 24

Allison fluffed her curls one more time, leaned in, and checked to make sure there was no lipstick on her teeth, then left the second-floor bathroom. There’d been a line at the two downstairs, and she didn’t want to miss the start of the show, so a waitress alerted her to another bathroom that had little to no traffic.

She rounded the corner, and a hard poke to her back froze her in place. The roundness of the barrel was undeniable.

“Make a sound, and I will hunt down and kill your entire family, starting with that niece of yours.”

She closed her eyes for a brief second and reached deep for a sense of calm. With a gun pressed into her back, she didn’t want to react irrationally. She needed to keep her cool. “What do you want from me?” she asked, keeping her tone even.

“Walk and act natural.”

“It’s kind of hard with a gun in my back,” she snapped.

“Watch your tongue.” There was a sick, almost giddiness in his tone.

“I got your present,” she stated before putting one foot in front of the other. She plastered a fake smile on her face and walked. She kept her eyes ahead while she brought her wrist in slowly to her center. She slipped the bracelet off that Presley made her and let it slide from her hand and down her dress to the floor. Hopefully Reid would find it.

“I thought you would like it.”

“Oh yes. Who wouldn’t love a cow’s tongue showing up on their doorstep?” She didn’t even bother keeping the sarcasm at bay.

“You’re lucky it wasn’t yours,” he snarled.

They walked through a back area, and Allison came to a stop by a door. “Where are we going?”

“Keep walking.”

Panic rose inside her. The minute she left this location, the chances of Reid finding her decreased.

She already dropped her bracelet, and she had nothing left to leave without this asshole noticing. If she could only get to the pepper spray in her bag. She might have a chance.

She hadn’t been able to get a look at him, but his voice was too young to be Louie. She had no idea who he was or what the heck he wanted with her, but she couldn’t risk her family’s life. It might have been a baseless threat, but she couldn’t know for sure. She wouldn’t take the chance. Not when Presley could get hurt.

Her pepper spray was important, but maybe she could use that as a distraction. She swung her clutch up to her other hand and flipped it open.

“Hey!” the asshole smacked the bag out of her hand, spilling the entirety of her bag to the floor. “What are you doing?” He jabbed the gun into her back.
