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Are they?she mouths, nodding at the hall. My lips press together in a line as I listen to the noises coming from that direction, trying not to laugh. Casey, none the wiser, looks at us.

“How about ice cream? Let's get ice cream,” Macey says, scooping up Casey.

“But I want to show Marcus the ‘Trolls’ movie,” Casey complains before jutting out her bottom lip.

The noises become slightly more audible, and Macey hurries to the door.

“Tell Zoe I have Casey,” she exclaims, rushing out the door before I can protest.

“Why do I have to tell her?” I groan, getting to my feet before making my way down the hall. I tap on the door and hear things that will haunt my memory forever. Zoe is like mine and Macey's little sister, and there are some things we just don't want the mental image of. This is one of those things, especially when she’s making those sorts of noises. I blanch.

Clearing my throat, I knock again. “Uh, Zoe? Macey has Casey while you, um… she just has Casey,” I tell her before rushing away and out of my apartment.

Safely outside, I make my way back to the main building and head toward the restaurant. I just step inside when the door leading in from the front bursts open and Valen steps inside looking furious. His eyes scan around the place before they fall on me, and the relief on his face is evident.

“I'm fine,” I say with a wave of my hand as he rushes over to me.

A few stragglers have come in for a late lunch and peer over at us. I smack Valen's hand away as he reaches out to me. He starts to say something before he notices we have an audience in here and are prime entertainment.

“What happened?” he asks as he grabs my elbow and leads me out of the restaurant and down the hall toward my office. I spot Casey and Macey in the kitchen with bowls of ice cream. Casey waves as we pass the glass window, and I smile, waving back.

“It's handled, Valen. Marcus handled it; Micah and Amber came and tried to take Casey. I got knocked over, but I’m fine,” I tell him as he shoves me through my office door.

“Marcus said you were hurt,” he says, examining me while I roll my eyes.

“I am not a child. You don't need you to check me and kiss away any pains,” I growl as he pokes and prods me. “Wait, where’s Valarian?”

“With my father, I called him over to watch him for me.”

I sigh.

“He was a good father, Everly; you don't need to worry about my dad. I trust him with our son,” Valen says. Giving Kalen the benefit of the doubt, I let it go. He’s never shown any signs he’s a threat to our son, and he told me he just wants to be a part of his life.

“And where is Micah now?” Valen asks.

“His father took him away. It's sorted; just leave it be.”

“I won't do that. Micah is part of my pack, and he will be punished.”

“Punished how, Valen? You can't go killing people over a dispute.”

“He hurt you,” Valen snarls.

“I’m fine, but you may have to speak to Micah about keeping his mouth shut, and Amber too because they’re aware we’re mates now. Marcus hammered him pretty good; I don't think he needs another beating.”

“Wait, where is Marcus?” Valen asks, only now recognizing he isn’t with me. I laugh and cup my mouth, and Valen stares at me.


“Zoe and Marcus are mates,” I chuckle. His eyebrows almost disappear into his hairline before a thoughtful expression crosses his face. “Huh, now that explains the sniffing,” he murmurs. “That makes so much sense. How did I not figure that out?” he says, repeating the exact thoughts I’d had. Both of their weird behavior now made it even more apparent that they were mates, while poor Casey was stuck in the middle of their sniffing.

I chuckle, making my headache worse, and I wince before walking to my desk in search of painkillers. Valen grips my hand when I pull out the packet of Tylenol.

“You said you weren't hurt,” he growls.

“I bumped my head, just a headache,” I say, snatching my hand out of his grip. Valen stares at me before a growl escapes him, and he starts prodding the bump on the back of my head.

“I'll fucking kill him,” he snaps, storming out of the room before I can stop him.
