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“Ugh, Casey, I told you people don't shower with their clothes on!” Valarian says.

“Yeah, they do. Or Marcus would see Mom’s private parts!” Casey squeals.

“So? People see private parts all the time when they shift. Remember that hippy lady out at the reserve, she took her clothes off before shifting, and we saw her butt and her big hairy front butt.”

“Huh, I forgot about that. You're so smart, Valarian,” Casey says. “But if Mom and Marcus are kissing in the shower… Oh, oh, oh! I’m going to be a big sister! I always wanted to be a sister,” she says, brightening.

“Where are we going to fit a sister? Our house is too small, and no baby is sleeping in my room,” huffs Valarian before shaking his head and walking off to the bathroom.

“I'm going to be a sister! I'm going to be a sister!” Casey laughs and dances in the living room.

“I say let Zoe break the news about being a sister. And thanks for the help, by the way,” Valen says, coming over and grabbing a kitchen towel to dry the dishes as I wash them.

“By the way, youareaware I have a dishwasher?” he asks.

“Yep, I needed an escape. Dishes sounded like a good one,” I say.

Once the kids are showered and dressed for bed, I help tidy up their dining room and living room mess.

“Are you staying in our room, or….?” Valen asks hopefully.

“Yes. And you mean your room. I don't live here.”

“Yet,” he says, and I shake my head at him. “Besides, Zoe will need the extra space since Casey is going to be a big sister.”

“I'm sure Marcus has an apartment or someplace?”

“Nope, he prefers to stay at the packhouse.”

“Well, if by chance they decide to have kids, I’ll move out into one of the other suites at the hotel,” I tell him.

“It's not ‘if by chance’; more like ‘when they have kids.’ Marcus has always been vocal about wanting kids. And why would you move into another apartment when you can move in here?”


“What? You said so yourself: the media will go crazy when we announce we’re mates. I can imagine the stories already if we don't live together, Everly,” Valen says, picking up all the pencils that fell under the table.

“We can work it out,” I tell him, watching him set the pencils into their rightful places. That will take all night if he plans on putting them in their selected spot. Shaking my head, I take them from him and jam them in without any order. His jaw clenches. I know he wants to sort them, but Casey will only pull them out again.

“Or you can stop being so damn stubborn and move in here.”

“I happen to like being on my own; I don't have to answer to anyone. Besides, I have the hotel, so I need to be there.”

“Then I’ll move in with you,” Valen says.

“What part of ‘I like my independence’ don't you get?”

“The independence part because we’re mates, Everly. Mates live together, not in separate places. Besides, Valarian likes it here, and I want to be with my son.”

“I swear, Valen, if you pull shit like Micah, I will lose it.”

“Then don't make me. Valarian can't go from house to house just because you’re too stubborn about living with me. Either we’re mates, or we’re not, Everly. So, make up your mind,” Valen snaps.

“I’m not saying you can't see him; I’m just saying I don't want to live with you,” I say.

“I am sick and tired of your mixed signals! One minute, you're saying you’ll be my Luna, and now this,” Valen growls before he storms off angrily, and I feel terrible because of the stupid bond.

