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“I caught them tampering with the mayor's wife's food,” the chef tells me, and I put my hand on my hips.

“Well, haven't you two been up to mischief,” I ask them.

“She was mean to my mom,” Valarian huffs, and I tilt my head.

“Who was?”

“That lady with the curly hair and pig's nose,” Valarian says before getting up and walking to the double doors. He points out a table and my brows raise. Alpha Nixon's wife—a nasty woman.

“What did she do?” I ask him.

“Said we weren't welcome in here, called us riffraff,” Valarian says, and I growl.

“You should not have run off like that. You should have told me. Your father is distraught and on his way here,” I tell him, and he drops his head. The chef watches as I turn to look at him.

“You didn't serve her the spoiled food?”

“No, caught them just in time, sir.”

I nod. “Very well, I will take it to her and make these two apologize,” I tell him. He nods, handing me a tray that has escargot and a bowl of soup on it. I give the children a scolding look before noticing a snail in Casey's hand and chuckle. “Were you going to put live ones in her food?” I laugh, shaking my head.

“She’s the one who wants to eat slugs,” Valarian pouts before glaring out the doors at the woman. I glance around and notice the chef is busy cooking at the back, and no one else is paying attention.

“I saw nothing,” I whisper to the kids, placing the tray down and turning my back on it.


“I saw nothing,” I repeat to Valarian, nodding toward the snails in Casey's hands. She pulls more from her pocket. How many did this kid stow away? Valarian giggles and a waitress notices. I nod silently to her. She glances at the table number on the tray, looks out the door, then presses her lips in a line as she snickers.

“I saw nothing either,” she says, sending me a wink.

Grabbing the tray, I see the snails have been replaced, and one is even swimming around in her soup.

“Allow me,” the server says, and I glance at her name tag. “Thank you, Stacey,” I tell her, handing it to her. She nods, smiling at the two mischief-makers behind me who are giggling, before taking the tray out and setting it in front of Alpha Nixon’s wife.

She nods and thanks Stacey, while we watch from the kitchens when Valen busts through the doors. Relief is clear on his face, and the kids duck behind me, peering up at him from under my arms.

Valen lets out a breath. “You two have some explaining to do,” he scolds before being cut off by the shrill screams coming from the restaurants. I try not to laugh as I watch the woman spit her food out and jump back from the table. Valen turns, looking out at the commotion, while the woman is shrieking and waving waiters over.

The kids are laughing behind me, and I erupt and join them; my son looks at me before folding his arms across his chest.

“What did you do to the mayor's wife?”

“I saw nothing,” I tell him, and he looks at the children.

“Papa said we could,” Valarian snitches, and I look away. Well, I thought it was quite funny.

“I stand by what I said; I saw nothing.”

Valen sighs.

“I hope she chokes,” Casey says, pursing her lips and squinting her little eyes at the woman.

“And why is that?” Valen asks her.

“She was mean to Mom,” Valarian pouts with teary eyes.

“Seems the woman doesn't like rogues in your hotel, son,” I tell him.
