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My own son had been forced to watch his mother fight and claw her way to the top. My mother was remarkable in her fight to bring freedom back, and looking at Everly, I now understand why she fought the bond the way she did. Everly has all the makings of an excellent Luna. However, my father messed up, believing my mother would harm his reputation and break the pack alliances. He was wrong; she would have brought about change, and she would have been unstoppable, like Everly will be with me by her side.

Now, I understand what all the fuss is about—all the trepidation and fight. Everly isn't just fighting for the rogues, for my mother, or for herself; she’s fighting for the future, for our son. Picking up my mother's letter, I open it and pull it from the envelope, finally finding the courage to read it.

* * *

For my son,

If you are reading this, it means my time has come and gone. I know you must have some questions, pent-up anger towards your father. Just know I forgave him. Over the years, I watched you grow from the shadows, and he did a pretty good job. You turned out alright. Turned into the Alpha you were intended to be.

For years, I longed to hold you, though the only way I could was in my heart, but know, I did try. I fought for you. Even if it was from the sidelines, I always watched, and I held on to the hope I would meet you in person again one day. Now, obviously, it won't be in this lifetime. Don't feel bad for me, though, don't feel sad. I get to leave you my most incredible gift of all.

Your Luna and your son. I may not have had the chance to raise you, but I’ve watched her grow, watched her fight—and she will fight—and watched her become a mother to your son, my grandson. Go easy on her; she has a lot of anger towards not just you but the system in which we all live.

She’ll fight when the time comes, and I just hope it's by your side and not against you because, I'm sorry, son, she will win. Tell that girl she can't, and she will prove you wrong. You could try to tear everything from her, but it won't work. You don't want to go to war with her. War burns bridges while that woman builds them, just like my hotel.

I had lost all hope until she wandered onto my doorstep. I recognized Valarian the moment I laid eyes on him, of course. He reminded me so much of you, and it was like I was given a second chance at the one thing I missed with you. She gave me drive and reason to keep fighting. When I met Everly and our sweet boy Valarian, I was on borrowed time, waiting for my life to end. For years, this place resembled how my life felt—broken and hopeless. Yet, after finding them, I opened myself up a little bit for the first time in a very long time, invited them in, and gave them a place to stay.

For that, I not only gained a grandson but a daughter too. They gave me life, gave me back my home and my fight. So, in turn, I gave her everything. Everything I own. I would say your father won't be too pleased with that knowledge, but he’ll understand why in time.

Now, I know you’re probably furious that your father lied to you all these years, but just know it was a different time, and I came with a lot of past and baggage. He saw me as a challenge. He wasn't totally to blame, though. I was a wild one. Yet, he loved me still, and I couldn't let go of the anger or my home.

When he took you from me, that was the worst and most harrowing day of my life. For a while, he would bring you to see me, so I was a part of some of your earliest memories until you started questioning. But my hatred for what he did overrode my reasoning. Don't blame him entirely, though; we both made choices we shouldn't have.

It’s as much my fault as it was his. You were deprived of a mother, I lost a son, but he lost his mate, his Luna because his reputation was on the line. That was his loss and mine. I’ve realized over the years that anger and hatred grow, and it slowly destroys us. So let it go. It does no good to dwell in the past. Instead, look forward to the future and what it can be if you allow it. Hatred and anger do nothing but rot your insides, Valen, so let it go.

He was your father and still is. I know he’ll regret my passing, regret his mistakes. But that's where history can change. Our past actions are a lesson for the future, so take those lessons from us; don't blame, don't hate, rejoice that you found Everly and Valarian.

Don't let this be your biggest regret. Don't rule by emotion, rule with a level head, and make sure it’s with your family by your side. I’m proud to say I may have rubbed off on her a little. Everly is strong, stubborn, but with a heart of gold. She will break you down and peel back the layers before she rebuilds you, like she did me. I was never one for emotion. She knows that. But I’ve caught myself awed by her ability to adapt, morph, and change herself into the woman she is.

Valarian, too. I can see he will grow to be a great Alpha one day, and hopefully, you will be part of the reason he is. Don't let this knowledge of my existence tarnish what you have. Don't let this be the Blood Alpha's regret. Let it be the change that is so needed in this City. Love them, and you will not only gain a Luna and a son, but a family and home. She built her village; I just hope she lets you be a part of it.

So, with that, I’m sorry for not being a part of your life like I wish I were. Just know I love you, and I always will.

Love Mom x

* * *

Placing the letter on the bedside table, I sit up and pull my clothes on before leaning down and kissing Everly’s cheek.I owe her this much, I think as I get dressed and slip out of the apartment.

By the time I’ve organized buses and pulled all my men from border patrols, it’s nearly midday. Poor Marcus has been run off his feet as I gave him orders and a never-ending list of tasks for the day.

I pull up at the school and walk in with Marcus to find Valarian. My son squeals loudly and rushes over to me when I walk into his classroom. Marcus scoops Casey up and holds her upside down by one foot, jiggling her like a teabag while she squeals loudly. The teacher stops her lesson and looks over at us, interrupting her class.

“Can I help you, Alpha?” she asks.

“Yes. Tell the kids to pack up; I’ve already spoken to the principal. The school is moving,” I say, and she turns, picking up the small internal phone as students start flooding the halls, led by their teachers. Valarian’s teacher jumps when the phone starts ringing in her hand. She answers, and I can hear the principal telling her what’s going on.

“What’s happening, Dad?” Valarian whispers as he watches the students gather what little belongings they have while the teacher directs them.

“I’m sorry you saw me like that, buddy,” I tell him, and he drops his head. I pepper kisses all over his face, and he starts giggling, pushing my face away.

“Do you forgive me?” I ask him, and he wraps his arms around my neck.

“Always,” he mumbles, and I suck in a shaky breath and rub his back.

“Are you shutting my school down?” Valarian asks curiously while pulling away and looking at everyone leaving out the door. “What about my friends? Where will they go?” He looks uncertain.

“With you to your new school!” I tell him.
