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“Over Everly?” I ask, and he nods.

“So, what? You thought coming here would patch things up with your mate?” This guy is such an ass.

“No. Yes, but no. I just wanted to make sure Everly is alright.”

“Because now you realize she isn't a rogue whore?” I ask him.

“How the fuck was I supposed to know?” he snarls at me, gripping the edge of the table.

“That’s one thing I don't get,” I tell him, watching the man that is supposed to be my father-in-law.

“What?” he asks.

“Since finding her and my son, as a father, what I don't get is how you could look at your own flesh and blood, the child you raised, and turn your back on her like she meant nothing. Throw her out and abandon her; I would kill for my kid. There is no way I would abandon him,” I snap at him.

“You don't know what you’re talking about; I was protecting her!” he snarls.

“Protecting her? Are you fucking serious? She was living in her car with a newborn fucking baby, choosing between food for herself and fucking diapers. Don't give me that crap, John!” I tell him before standing up. “You are a shitty excuse for a father and a man,” I spit at him before turning to leave.

“Because you are such a great one yourself? You didn't even know Valarian existed for how long, Valen? And what of your father? Perfect fucking example there after what he did to your mother,” John sneers, and I stop, turning back to face him.

“The mother that raised your daughter when you refused to?” I retort. “My father knows he fucked up. At least he admits it and is trying to make up for it. You? You just look elsewhere to blame. And me? I wish every goddamn day I was there, even if she wasn't my mate. I would have taken her as one had I known her or known she had my son.”

John curses, shaking his head.

“You see her as your biggest shame, John, when you should have seen her as your daughter and for who she is.”

“Because you are suddenly an expert on my daughter. She wasn't some sweet, innocent little girl. She got herself knocked up,” he says.

“You're right; she got herself knocked up with my help. It takes two people to create a baby, John, so why are only the women punished for it? It’s sickening, but as much as I hate you for what you did, I suppose I should thank you also,” I tell him, and he scoffs.

“For what?”

“Because she turned out great in spite of you. You showed her what not to do, and I can't wait for her to bring this city to its Goddamn knees,” I growl.

“Haha. You fool. You may own half this city, Valen, but Everly won't know the first thing about running a pack—a business, yes, but a pack? She was a fucking rogue. Ava would have known,” John tries to argue.

“Ava is not my mate, and I would never choose her over Everly. And a pack? You fucking idiot. Her pack outnumbers all of ours.”

“Great, now I’ve heard it all,” John laughs. “Your numbers are only three or four hundred bigger than mine. You may have more people, but I have alliances you don't have, Valen.

“Think with your fucking head,” John snaps, standing up.

“Try a thousand more than yours, John. You want to go to war over me refusing to marry Ava, so be it, but you won't win; I will gladly watch her destroy you—take everything from you.”

“Pft, you idiot, you don’t know what you’ve done. War? You have seen nothing of the war that will be headed our way. You need my pack,” John tells him.

“What fucking war? I don't need an alliance with you because I have Everly's. They will fight alongside mine. You are forgetting something, John. Everly isn't just an Alpha—she was also a rogue. I’ve come to realize that they have more guts than any pack I’ve known, including my own. They band together, forced to survive and rely on each other,” I tell him, stepping closer.

“The rogue population outnumbers any pack when banded together, and guess who just opened their borders up? Guess who has her army, and she didn't even realize it.”

“Everly?” John laughs. “They’re rogues, Valen, pull your head out of your ass. She can't control them.”

“She doesn't need to control them, John. They’re family. Everly has done more for the rogues than any Alpha in this city has, so when push comes to shove, who do you think they’ll stand behind? An Alpha?” I laugh. “No, they will fight for the woman that gave them a fighting chance.

“Do you think she isn't Alpha material? She has her own land—that hotel is solely owned by her. Everly didn't just build a business; she built a pack. She has more members than any of us. Now, last I checked pack counts, my pack is the largest at 847; the rogue population is well over a thousand.”

“Means nothing, Valen, and you know it. Unless she can get those laws changed, nothing in this city will change. Your merry band of rogue whores wants to stand behind you, who are more a fool than them? It's a quick way to become forsaken,” he says, and I stop.
