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“Alpha,” Dwayne states. “Am I bringin' it back? Or should I take it t' the yard?”

“That is up to Everly,” I tell him, raising an eyebrow. She glares at me. “What will it be, Everly?”

“Go fuck yourself,Alpha,” she sneers. Dwayne whistles at her tone.

“Wow. So waddya want me to do?”

“Crush it,” I tell him, not taking my eyes from her. She takes a step toward me, and her hands clench before she closes her eyes tightly, breathing deeply.

“Alpha?” Dwayne asks.

“I said crush it. Take it to the scrapyard and make sure it isn't salvageable,” I tell him. Her eyes snap open and I raise an eyebrow at her. Everly's eyes burn with unshed tears, and she shakes her head. I hang up.

“Could have been avoided,” I tell her.

“Yeah, if only I never met you, all of this could have been avoided,” she spits at me before turning on her heel and darting across the road. I notice Zoe and Macey waiting out the front for her, and she shakes her head when Macey reaches for her, swatting their hands away before chasing after her. I start driving off, heading home to plan my next move since this one was unsuccessful. I would have to think of another way. She'll give in; it's only a matter of time.

I'm halfway home, yet my thoughts keep going back to her. I need to look into her background, find out more about her. That might help explain why she's so difficult and why she would be so upset about a car. I also want to know what she did to become a rogue, since she isn't a rogue whore. But I don't know her last name. Though, that should be listed on the hotel's registration, shouldn't it?

For some reason, I can’t forget the way her lip trembled when I said to crush her car. It makes me feel like an asshole. It makes no sense, though; she has enough money to buy another one; she owns a damn hotel, for goodness’ sake. There is no way in hell I would be caught dead in that old piece of junk. She should be thanking me for removing it; now she has reason to buy another. Suddenly, I blanch.

“Fuck!” I say and swerve off to the side of the road. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I quickly call Dwayne.

“Hello?” he says.

“Where are you?”

“Next door at the scrapyard, doin' what you asked.”

“Don't let them crush it.”


“Please tell me they haven't crushed it yet,” I say. “The car. Tell me you haven’t crushed the car.”

“Oh shit,” he says, and I hear banging around in his truck and the sound of a door being slammed before yelling for them to stop. My heart pounds in my chest while I wait for what seems like hours, praying it wasn't destroyed.

I hear more banging before a rush of heavy breathing. Dwayne sounds like he's just run a marathon. He's a big guy and sounds like he's on the verge of a heart attack when he grabs the phone again.

“Eh, that was close. Good thing ya called—another second 'n it would have been crushed into a can.”

I let out a breath of relief while he tries to catch his breath, panting heavily into the phone.

“What do you want me to do with it?" he asks after a moment, sounding more normal.

“Put it in my garage out of sight, cover it over. I don't want my father seeing it if he stops over.”

“Sure thing,” Dwayne answers, and I go to hang up when I hear his voice again. “Hey, boss?”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“She's yer mate, ain't she? I ain't seen ya try this hard t' git a girl in a while; figured she must be special if yer trying to make 'er chase after ya,” Dwayne says.

“Keep it between us; I don't need my father knowing for now.”

“Yeh, we all know 'e hates rogues. But by the look on her face when she spotted you, she hates Alphas more.”

I sigh. It does appear that way.
