Page 112 of The Wrong Royal

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“They are very normal,” she said and looked up at me. “They act like those parents I see on TV. You guys have fun, laugh, and well, you’re just normal.”

“Normal with a twist,” I said, laughing. “We’re not exactly the All-American family but we try.”

When we approached her door, it was flooded with light. It wasn’t conducive to a clandestine kiss.

“Come here,” I whispered and pulled her into the shadows. I gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Theo. I had a really good time tonight.”

I walked back to the house feeling good about things. As I lay in bed that night, the day’s events ran through my head. My parents loved her, which I knew would be the case. I was falling in love with her, head over heels, and there was no turning back. She was going to be welcomed into the family. I hoped we could show her that there was more to family than just duty.

It wasn’t just Emilie’s beauty that captured my heart. It was the way she made me feel. I felt like I was alive. I had tried to downplay my feelings, telling myself it wasn’t supposed to happen this fast, but the truth was undeniable now. I was madly in love with Emilie Hansen, and I wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

As I stared at the ceiling, I wondered about her feelings for me. We had started on rocky ground. That was undeniable but it kind of made it better. Tonight had been different. The way she had looked at me, the smiles we had exchanged, the moments we had shared—it all pointed to something bigger.

Closing my eyes, I allowed thoughts of Emilie to consume me. The girl who had once frustrated me with her stubborn ways had won me over. I knew that I wanted to be the one to make her smile. I also wanted to be there for her when she needed support. With her future, she was going to need a lot of it.

With that, I made a silent promise to myself. I would do everything in my power to ensure that Emilie had the life she deserved, filled with love. She deserved nothing less, and I was determined to be the man who would give her all that and more.

As sleep finally claimed me that night, I couldn’t help but smile. For the first time in a long while, my heart was at peace, knowing that I had found something truly special in Emilie Hansen. Our match got off to a rocky start, but it was going to work out.

The following morning, it was a lot of activity with bags being loaded and everyone making sure we got everything. Emilie and Astrid arrived, and it was pretty clear they were thrilled to be making their first trip to the United States.

“How’s your mother?” my mom asked Emilie.

“She’s fine. It was just a bug. They’re going home soon.”

“Thank goodness,” Mom said. “Poor thing. I’ll send some flowers.”

As soon as I saw Emilie, my heart skipped a beat. She looked stunning, with her hair cascading down her back in soft waves and her eyes sparkling with excitement. I felt a surge of pride knowing that she was going to be by my side for the entire trip.

“Good morning,” she greeted, smiling at me.

I nodded, feeling a little tongue-tied. “Good morning. Are you ready for your first voyage to America?”

“I’m excited,” she said, her eyes shining. “I’ve always wanted to visit the US, and now I have the chance.”

“Hi!” My sister rushed forward. “I’m Victoria.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Victoria. I’m Emilie. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I hope you don’t believe all of it,” Victoria said, laughing. “Theo is my big brother and tends to hold things that happened twenty years ago against me. He’s still mad about me breaking his favorite toy.”

“Go away,” I muttered.

“I hope we’ll have a chance to hang out,” Victoria said.

“You won’t,” I said. “We’re going to be busy. It’s all about us. You can find your own friend.”

Emilie gave me a look, and I felt a little guilty for being so dismissive of my sister. But I couldn’t help it. I was looking forward to spending time alone with Emilie, exploring the sights and sounds of America with her by my side.

“I will make sure we have time together,” Emilie said to Victoria. “You can tell me all about your brother’s biggest secrets. The more embarrassing, the better.”

“That’s not happening,” I said.

“Oh, I have so many stories,” Victoria said, laughing.

“You tell mine, and I’ll tell yours,” I threatened.
