Page 114 of The Wrong Royal

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I felt a sense of pride as I showed Emilie around our family’s vast estate. I led Emilie through the winding pathways that meandered through the property. The lush greenery, tall trees, and the serene beauty of nature surrounded us. I knew she loved nature and we had a lot of it.

Emilie took in the breathtaking scenery, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. “It’s stunning, Theo. It’s so peaceful. I love it. I’m a little jealous.”

“Your Norwegian paradise is very peaceful as well,” I told her.

“It feels quiet and private here, which is the opposite of how I feel at home,” she said.

We continued our leisurely stroll around the property. I pointed out some of my favorite places on the property. As we approached a secluded area by the pond, I stopped and pointed to where I sank the golf cart.

Emilie laughed. “You’re really reckless, Theo. Did anyone get hurt?”

“No, we were lucky. But I learned my lesson. Mostly.”



The tour of the Ashford property was nothing short of enchanting. As Theo guided me through the sprawling estate, I found myself captivated by the natural beauty that surrounded us. The lush vegetation, vibrant flowers, and the peacefulness of South Carolina had a soothing effect on my soul. It was the kind of home I could see myself living in.

Theo obviously loved it here. He shared stories of childhood adventures and family gatherings. It was a stark contrast to the rigid formality of my own childhood. His life was so normal compared to mine. His hand held mine, making me feel like a young girl.

As we strolled along, I couldn’t help but reach out and touch some of the live plants on the property. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but it smells so good here.”

He frowned. “The flowers?”

“No, the earth. The soil. It’s like the best perfume in the world. I love the smell.”

He laughed. “Whatever floats your boat.”

“My boat?”

“It’s an old saying,” he said. “Sorry.”

“I thought it was a Viking reference.”


We continued on our walk. I didn’t know if we were walking anywhere, and I didn’t care. I was enjoying the walk itself and the fresh air.

“I feel so at peace here,” I said. “It’s like a different world.”

He turned to me, his eyes filled with affection. “I’m glad you feel that way. I know we still have a lot to work out, but I do hope that our marriage will allow us the chance to spend some time here.”

I smiled at him. “It’s wonderful,” I replied. “I haven’t felt this relaxed and at home in years. Like you said, we have a lot to work out, but I like it here. I only wish I could spend more time here. I don’t want to go back. Ever. Can we just hide here?”

Theo’s lips curled into a mischievous grin. “I hope to make you feel even more at home in the days to come. I have a few special things planned for us. And then if you decide you want to hide, we’ll hide. We’ll disappear.”

It was so promising. I wished it was possible to just hand the crown and the responsibilities to someone else. I would give up everything to have a life that involved nothing more than strolling through the grounds and smelling flowers.

As we walked, I couldn’t help but think about the way Theo had looked at me. It was different from how he had looked at me before. There was a new tenderness in his gaze, as if he saw me in a whole new light. I felt myself blush, and I turned away to hide it, but Theo reached out and caught my hand, pulling me to a stop.

“Can I kiss you?” he whispered.

“Is that allowed?” I smiled.

“Come here,” he whispered and pulled me down a cobblestone path into the thick trees.

“What are you doing?” I laughed.
