Page 83 of The Wrong Royal

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“She was, but Emilie is not the kind of girl that is exactly emotionally stable,” I said. “Not that she’s crazy, but she’s in a weird place. She basically lost her sister. She’s been thrust into a strange new world. She wants to do right by her parents. I was just getting her to open up to the idea that she could love meanddo her job. I’m worried she will forget all the traction we gained.”

“Are you that forgettable?” he joked.

“It’s just that she challenges me, Jack,” I said. “In every way imaginable. And while it’s infuriating at times, it’s also refreshing. She’s not afraid to be herself, even if it means going against the grain. And me.”

Jack nodded thoughtfully. “That’s what makes her special, Theo. She’s her own person, and she’s not going to change for anyone. But I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. There’s something there.”

“But that’s the thing,” I said. “She’s only her own person when I get her out of her head. Otherwise, she’s the person that does what she thinks she’s supposed to do.”

“I think she’s adrift,” he said. “You’re her lighthouse. I know she cares about you. Not only because I’ve seen it, but I have inside information.”

“Oh?” I asked.

“I’m not telling you anything,” he said, laughing. “But I do know she’s warming up to you. And you are crazy if you give up on her.”

“I just hope she feels the same way,” I confessed, my voice softer now, filled with uncertainty. “I’m not sure I can handle her kicking me out of her heart again.”

Jack clapped me on the back, offering a reassuring smile. “Theo, you’ve got something special. Trust me on this. Now, let’s finish packing up. Before you know it, you’ll be back in Emilie’s arms.”

As we continued to pack, I thought about what Jack said.Emilie was unlike anyone I had ever met, and I didn’t want to miss the chance with her.

We finished packing and retired for the night. I was thrilled to see Emilie tomorrow. I hoped like hell she was going to give me the chance to remind her about what we had.

The alarm went off, but I was already awake. I was very anxious to get back to England. I headed downstairs to find Jack waiting with a cup of coffee. “You’re up early,” he said.

I smiled. “I am. Is everyone else ready to go?”

“I haven’t seen Victoria yet, but your parents have already had their things loaded into the car. Your bags are also packed.”

“Great, then I’ll be outside.”

After what felt like forever, Victoria finally made her way downstairs. I glared at her. “Settle down,” she said.

“You could’ve just stayed behind,” I muttered.

“No one is staying behind,” Mom scolded. “We’ll still get there.”

“That’s the benefit of flying private,” Dad said.

“Did you tell him?” Mom asked Dad.

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“We won’t be staying at our place,” Mom said, smiling.

I frowned. “Where are we staying?”

“It’s a home right next to the Hansens’ rental,” Mom said with a smile.

I grinned. Jack chuckled and Victoria stuck her tongue out at me. “Spoiled much?”

It wasn’t really that surprising. It was a common thing for the second and third sessions of the season. The families stayed close by to try and foster a relationship between the matches.

On the flight over, things were very quiet. I leaned back with my headphones in and my favorite playlist on. My thoughts were on all the things I wanted to say to Emilie. Things I wanted to do with Emilie. I was hoping there would be some kissing, and if there was a chance of more, I was going to jump at it.

As we touched down in England and made our way to the designated residence, I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of seeing her again.

Upon our arrival, I noticed Emilie standing in the front yard, her attention captured by a bed of vibrant flowers. Just seeing her made my heart sing.
