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Alisha still could not believe what her life had turned into in just a few short weeks. Before meeting Adam and starting their relationship with Rueben, she wouldn’t have said that she was unhappy in her life. She had a job in which she was pretty happy, if a little unfulfilled. She was orphaned in her teens, but she was still pretty close to her foster mom. Then there were all the amazing online friends she’d made over the years. People just like her, with interests just like she had.

But other than that, things were pretty basic. She got up, went to work, did the job, ate her meals, and talked to friends. She just... breathed.

Now, with Adam and Rueben in her life? She finally lived.

Adam had this way of pulling her from her shell that no one else in her life had managed. When she would normally step back, hide behind rules, regulations and protocol, she now felt free. Bedtime didn’t have to be at ten each night. And maybe she didn’t have to follow each and every rule she’d set for herself. In a few short weeks, Adam had shaken her foundations and held her hand through it all so she didn’t feel lost and out of place.

On the other side of the coin... she had Rueben. From the first day she’d been partnered with him, he’d given her a sense of security. She didn’t do well with partners in general, but having him with her hadn’t been as hard as she thought it would be. He felt trustworthy. Now even more so than ever.

Ever since the change in their relationship, she felt even more secure. Alisha wasn’t sure if it was because she knew he was a Daddy Dom, or because he knew her secret, but she felt safer to just be herself.

They had agreed to take things slowly. Over the last few weeks, little more than kisses were shared between the three of them, but Alisha was hoping for that to change this weekend. They’d spent all of their time together at the Ranch thus far, but this weekend they were all staying over at Rueben’s house. He had plans upon plans for things to do, and Alisha had to admit that she hoped that at least some of those plans included some naked time because being surrounded by two incredibly sexy men constantly was starting to wreak havoc on her libido.

Now all she needed to do was get through a shift with one of those sexy men without trying to climb into his lap and humping him or something equally ridiculous.


Alisha let out a sigh and grabbed her badge and keys while heading out the door.

And walked right into a box sitting in front of her door.

Her heart skipped a beat, her mind immediately going to the two men in her life. She grabbed the box and quickly rushed back into the house, not stopping to close the door behind her in her haste.

After cutting through the tape she was practically dancing on the spot while digging through the packing paper to find the hidden treasure. She touched a card and pulled it out. It was a brown envelope and Alisha had to admit to feeling a little let down. She was sure that whatever either one of them had gotten her was going to be perfect, but her Little heart was hoping for a toy of some kind.

She tore open the envelope eager to get to whatever was hiding inside. At first, Alisha was confused about what she was looking at. However, the more she looked the more she started freaking out. Until she got to the last page.

And dropped it on the floor as if it had burned her fingers.

Taking two steps backwards she held her hand to her mouth. Spots started popping up in her vision and Alisha realized she was holding her breath. Forcing a breath out, she took a beat and inhaled deeply before taking stock of the situation. She couldn’t phone the department, but she could call Rueben. He’d know what to do.

Her fingers shook as she dug her phone from her back pocket and she had to try her passcode twice before she got it right.

“Hi, sweetness.”

She loved that. He was supposed to be seeing her in less than twenty minutes and he didn’t even question why she was phoning him. His voice only held a pleased tone to be hearing from her.

“Daddy...” the word slipped from her mouth, the need for him clear in her tone. “There’s something… I got something… Please can you come to my house?”

“I’m on my way,” his clipped voice responded. “Are you hurt? Do I need to phone in backup?” Rueben’s concern for her helped get rid of some of the worst of her anxiety.

“No, I’m okay. It’s nothing like that. It probably could have waited, but I don’t want to discuss this at work.”

“Okay, sweetness. I’m coming. Grabbing my keys. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”

“Thanks, Daddy.” She felt immediate relief knowing he was coming. It was silly, she knew that. She could deal with it herself. She was capable. Independent.

But she had him. She had Adam. She didn’t need to deal with these things by herself anymore.

Alisha debated the need for a pair of gloves before shrugging it off. She’d already touched everything, and technically no real laws had been broken. She bent over and grabbed the papers that had scattered over the floor, slowly compiling them and sorting them into what she considered their level of importance.

Her movements were robotic as she stepped up to her dining room table where she placed her neat stack of papers down carefully. Whenever her world fell apart she focussed on keeping order and making sure everything was in its right place. Which is exactly what she was going to do now. Even if that evil pile of papers had no place in her perfectly ordered life.

Once she was satisfied, she grabbed a chair and pulled it a few feet from the table before sitting down to stare at it. Alisha knew she needed to reach out to Adam too. But she didn’t want to worry him either. Daddy was coming. Daddy would fix it. Or at the very least, Daddy would know what to do next.

Time stopped as she waited for him to get to her house. He’d promised her less than ten minutes and a quick peek at the clock confirmed it had barely been five minutes but it felt like she’d been staring at the table for hours.

And then she heard it. His car pulled into her driveway. She was about to get up to open the door for him when he strolled in, murder on his face.
