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“Well, even though the two of you in there make a pretty picture, I’ve made breakfast, so why don’t we all go get something to eat?” Rueben invited her and Adam. His question, though, surprisingly drew a snort from her bed companion.

“Shush you. It’s your fault after all.”

Rueben’s comment only drew a chuckle from Adam which soon evolved into a full-on belly laugh.

“Sure. Blame the burned bacon, rubbery eggs and extra crispy toast on me.” Adam rolled his eyes before continuing, “Let’s not mention, I wasn’t allowed to lift a finger to help.”

Rueben scoffed before turning and heading to the kitchen, throwing a comment over his shoulder. “You might not have helped me cook, but you definitely helped to distract me with all those lazy kisses.”

Alisha couldn’t help but giggle at the picture he created. She could totally see her Daddy trying to be sweet and make them breakfast while the ever naughty and bratty Adam did his best to disrupt.

The brat in question slowly sat up, pulling Alisha with him. He helped her get up and wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders as they walked out of the room. His warm breath on her ear made her shiver as he fake whispered, “I don’t know about you, but I distinctly remember him telling us he was a useless cook.”

Her laughter rang through the house as they stumbled into the kitchen.

“I heard that,” Rueben said, lifting an unimpressed eyebrow at the younger man. “Now take a seat, and eat up. And for your insolence, you will pretend to like it all. Or I might make it so you can’t sit for a week.”

His mock threat had Alisha bursting out with giggles again. These two men, like this, were exactly what she needed. Their playfulness and affection helped her in a way that no amount of role playing, fake Daddies, or fluffy romance novels ever had.

She sat in her own colorful kitchen chair, leaning back to observe Rueben moving around her small kitchen. He looked so out of place in the brightly colored room. Alisha had a fondness for dollhouses, and if she was being honest she probably had too many of them. As such, she’d worked as hard as possible to turn her house into one. Her kitchen housed a small, round table, with a stark white table cloth littered with different colored daisies. All four chairs were a different color with a contrasting pattern.

Her kitchen curtains were a bright yellow with ruby red roses, and all of her appliances were made to look like stuff from the sixties. It was ridiculously over the top and she loved it.

She adored it even more now that her men were in the small space with her. Rueben’s soft as sin jeans and flannel shirt, and Adam’s artfully torn, deliciously tight t-shirt clashed with the space even more than any of the patterns and colors did, but somehow it was perfect.

With shocked realization she looked down at what she was wearing. A cute, tight t-shirt with a large purple unicorn and a soft pair of yoga pants that clung to her curves.

“Did you change me, Daddy?”

He looked back at her with a fond smile. “Yeah, sweetness. I figured you’d be much more comfortable in that than your uniform, so Addy helped me change you before I got into something a bit more comfortable myself.” Alisha smiled at him in response before blowing him a kiss in thanks.

Rueben grabbed three plates from the cupboard above the sink, one of them a large plastic pink one with dividers. He went about his business, dishing them up a slightly crispy-looking breakfast as if he’d done it a hundred times. Without a thought, he grabbed a sippy cup from her drying rack and poured her some of her favorite guava juice before serving up their breakfasts.

“There we go. It’s probably a bit cold now, but let’s face it, it can’t really get any worse. Now eat up. We have a big day ahead of us. Loads of fun things to do.”

“Wait! What about work?” Alisha cried out in a panicked alarm.

“I spoke to Sergeant Thomas, we’ve both got a personal day. He was reluctant, but I told him it was an emergency.”

He placed a kiss on her head before ruffling Adam’s hair. Using both hands, he lifted both their chins simultaneously, forcing her and Adam to look up at him.

“Things are scary, and they’re downright crazy, but I have a feeling with the three of us together, we can weather anything.” Then he bent down and kissed Alisha on her nose before doing the same with Adam.

She was completely lost for words. With one statement and one action (kind of) he had assuaged her fears in a way she’d never experienced before.

Adam however, had no such qualms about being quiet. He quickly filled the silence of the room with an endless stream of chatter. Apparently he had a whole list of things he wanted to do with the two of them.

Nothing could have made her happier.

Not even a Barbie Dreamhouse Playset with a working jacuzzi tub and elevator.

“So what’s first on the list of things to do?” she asked the two men after gamely swallowing down as much of the nearly inedible breakfast placed in front of her as she could.

“Oh that’s easy,” Adam spoke up with a huge smile on his face.

“Uh-oh,” Alisha whispered looking at his mischievous face. “That doesn’t look like a good thing.”

“Nope,” Rueben added, popping the “P”. “What have you got planned, naughty boy?”

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