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That time her smile was large and filled with an eager light that only increased Rueben’s excitement.

“I’d like that. This is still a real call though, so we have to take it seriously. Want to take point?”

Alisha asking that was another unexpected boon. Since being partnered together, she’d been reluctant to let him take the lead on anything, claiming he needed to be more familiar with the area. Rueben had been suspicious about it, thinking perhaps she might have felt a smidge threatened.

“Yeah, thanks.”

When they got out of their cruiser, the big guy himself, Derek Hawkins, was standing at the door. Rueben recognized him immediately. They’d only met briefly, once, a long time ago at a club in Rueben’s home town. He was the kind of guy you didn’t forget. Not only was he attractive, he was larger than life and commanding in a way that Rueben, at that time in his life, had envied.

He’d grown into his own since then. Found exactly who he wanted to be and what he needed in his life. And he felt like he owed it all to Derek. The thing was though, he was pretty sure Derek wouldn’t even remember him.

“Morning, welcome to Rawhide Ranch,” Derek’s gruff voice called out to them. He didn’t move down to meet them, just stood in front of the door like a knight guarding his castle.

Rueben took a step forward and held his hand out to the other man. “Morning, my name is Officer Rueben Grey,” he introduced himself before gesturing to Alisha. “And this is Officer Alisha Warren.”

Derek took his hand in a firm grip before turning to Alisha. He made no untoward gestures but Rueben couldn’t help the unbidden urge to growl at Derek. He really needed to get a handle on these feelings he had for his partner, especially seeing as she showed absolutely zero interest in him.

“We hope we’re not intruding,” Rueben said after Derek let go of Alisha’s hand. “But we’ve received a distressing call from a family member of one of your residents, and unfortunately we needed to come check it out.”

“Yes, Detective Forrester phoned and explained the purpose of your visit.” Derek didn’t expand, only stood there staring at them with his arms crossed in front of him. He might understand why they were there, but that didn’t mean he was pleased about it, or going to just give them entry.

Rueben sucked up some of his cowardice and decided to put his cards on the table.

“Look, I’m going to be frank with you.”

The other man merely lifted an eyebrow in response, waiting for Rueben to continue.

“I’m not sure if you remember, but we met a few years ago. It was fleeting, so I don’t blame you for forgetting. But basically, I know what Rawhide is, what you and this home you’ve created mean to people in the lifestyle. I’m…” he paused and looked to Alisha before continuing, “we’re not here to judge or cause any issues. We understand.”

It didn’t look like anything Rueben said had affected the Ranch owner at all.

His partner took a step forward.

“Sir,” she began, her voice wavering slightly. She cleared her throat before starting again. “Detective Forrester will vouch for me, well”—she looked at Rueben—“I suppose he’d vouch for both of us. Personally, I’ve always wanted to come here. The only reason I haven’t is plain ol’ stupidity.”

At this Derek’s hard face softened a bit.

“I’m really excited for the opportunity to see Rawhide and call it a routine inspection. You’d be doing me a huge favor if you could just take us around, show us the grounds and then we can file our report without having to fudge on any of the details.”

That drew a real smile from Derek Hawkins and Rueben felt a strange flash of pride for Alisha getting them through the door.

So much for him taking the lead though.

“Sure. Come on in.”

Chapter 2

Adam had most assuredly picked the perfect time to have his retreat at Rawhide Ranch.

Work had gotten a little insane lately, and his family was totally way too overbearing, even if they meant well. When he finally snapped at his mum over their bi-weekly phone call, Adam had realized he’d pushed it too far. So he called the Ranch, made his booking and felt the weight lift off his shoulders almost instantly. He could just as easily log in and do what needed to be done from his private room as he could from his boring apartment in the city.

And the moment he drove his obnoxious orange—his mom’s words—Jeep Wrangler into the visitors’ lot, Adam could finally take a deep, carefree breath. He felt the years melt away, and by the time he’d reached the check-in desk, he was so very nearly in his younger headspace.

Carrie, a cute blonde woman was at the receptionist desk. She smiled at him sweetly, and was about to hand over his room key when Sadie Hawkins, wife to the owner Derek Hawkins came bounding toward him, her long, brown ponytail flying behind her.

“Adam!” she squealed as she threw herself into his arms. “You made it! It’s been forever since you’ve been by for a visit.” Sadie’s lip pushed out into a pout that had a carefree chuckle rumble through Adam’s chest.

“It’s good to see you too, Sadie.” Adam looked at his watch and noted the time. “Shouldn’t you be in class now?”
