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“You gonna share, Addy?”

With a cheeky grin aimed his way, Adam held out his hand in offering. Unable to pass up the opportunity, Rueben moved closer, going onto his hands and knees so he could take the long fingers into his mouth. Taking his time cleaning her taste off Adam’s digits, Rueben enjoyed the shared moment.

A soft sigh came from Alisha, drawing his attention down to her. She was looking at him with such need he would never have said that she just had an orgasm.

“You taste as sweet as you are, little miss,” Adam voiced Rueben’s exact thoughts.

Her face grew a beautiful shade of pink, and he bent down to place a soft, tender kiss on her lips before doing the same to Adam.

“Now, if you two have had quite enough fun, I think it’s time I fed you.”

Both of his babies groaned at this, Adam going so far as to throw himself back onto the carpet in a very dramatic flourish.

“Please, no!” Alisha cried out. “Can’t we order takeout?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of eating you out, little miss. I don’t know why mister Big Boss over there had to stop our fun.”

With a groan, Rueben pushed himself up from his position so he could stand over the two brats with him.

“Excuse you, sweetness. I was planning on getting pizza, but for that comment, I have half a mind to make you some dinner and force you to eat it.”

Alisha quickly put a finger to her lips, looking the picture of innocence.

“And you, brat. We will have our fun. But you two have eaten nothing but popcorn, candy and burned bacon all day. Food first. Fun later.”

Rueben held his hand out to Adam and pulled the younger man up into his embrace, quickly silencing the argument he could see coming his way with a deep kiss.

“That’s not going to help convince him to stop wanting some more fun,” Alisha quipped from her position on the carpet where she was watching them.

Breathless, Rueben pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at her. Both he and Adam reached down to help her up, and they pulled her into a shared hug.

“No one said I can’t torture him a bit while we wait,” Rueben retorted, getting a laugh from the brat he was teasing.

“So… Alisha, what’s your favorite topping on your pizza?”

All three ofthem sat around the small table in Rueben’s farm-style kitchen. Adam had tried to convince him that they should eat their pizza in the family room while playing some games, but he would have none of it.

With a firmness that neither of the subs were familiar with, he decreed that meal times would always be held at the table, unless someone was sick, or on special occasions when they had breakfast in bed.

He was a pretty easy-going Dom, which is why falling into age play had come so naturally to Rueben. There were very few things that would get him upset, and at times he tended to be a little too indulgent or lenient. But he figured that worked in his favor when both Adam and Alisha sat up straighter and responded with a quick and definite “Yes, Daddy”.

While they’d waited for the pizza to be delivered, Rueben showed them his house. He was quite proud of it. He’d gotten it as a steal because the basement had flooded shortly before the previous owners started selling it. It had a lot of damage, but he knew his way around a hammer and drywall. After having a specialist come in to confirm there was no structural damage, he got some hired help, and they had it converted into a large playroom within a few weeks. And since then, he’d slowly but surely been filling it up with furniture and toys. It was a work-in-progress. There were loads still needed, but once it was complete, it was going to be perfect.

And now he got to share his special place with these two amazing subs. The warmth in his heart was hard to temper. Rueben had to make efforts to remind himself that their relationship was still new and fresh. That no matter how perfect this felt, he had to give it time. There was absolutely no point in getting ahead of himself.

Yet still, when Alisha walked into his basement and her eyes lit up at the shelves and shelves of toys and books, he couldn’t help but picture her in there, making the space hers.

Everything he had was pretty generic; pretty much just the basic staples, and he wanted nothing more than to have a special girl and boy adding their own touch.

Of course he also had some sexy toys packed away in a dresser against the back wall… but who didn’t? This too was something he looked forward to expanding on as he got to know his two new partners better.

Did Alisha like to have her Daddy make love to her all slow and sweet? Or did she perhaps have a dirty streak in her that preferred to be tied down and dominated.

Would Adam be that spicy brat when he was bent over and taking Rueben’s cock or would he turn into a marshmallow at the thought of an erotic spanking?

All of these things were stuff he looked forward to learning about them. Just as much as he was eager to find out their favorite color or cartoon to watch.

“This place is pretty fucking epic,” Adam said, his voice clearly conveying his awe at the space.
