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“Then, little slut, you’ll wait for me to call you again. I’ve waited for you for a long time. Now it’s your turn.”

She knew he was about to hang up but couldn’t leave it alone. “Wait! Please,” she forced out the last word. “I need to know if Adam is okay.”

The jackass laughed in her ear before she heard a blood-curdling scream ring through the phone. And then the line went dead.

The tears she’d barely been keeping at bay started rolling down her cheeks. She stood up to make her way to the front of the bus so she could get off at the next stop but barely noticed anything going on around her right then.

An old lady reached out from her seat in the aisle and grabbed Alisha’s hand.

“Are you okay, darlin’?” Her soft southern twang reminded Alisha of her granny. She couldn’t form any words past the lump in her throat, so she only shook her head before pulling out her phone.

As the driver pulled up to the next stop, Alisha opened her text chain with Rueben and Adam and sent them a message on their group chat.

Ilove you. Both of you.

Then she closed it and shut it down before climbing out of the bus.

As promised, she found a burner underneath the bench. With a broken heart, Alisha tossed her phone in the trash can next to the bus bench and slowly started walking away.

Within seconds, the burner in her hand started ringing.

“It’s good to see you can still follow orders,” Colt said as she placed the phone against her ear. “Now, walk across the street. There’s a thrift store there. Get yourself something other than a police uniform to wear. After that, grab a cab. Let me know when you’re in it, and I’ll give you a location to head toward.” Before she could say anything in response, he rang off with a last warning, “And remember, I’m always watching.”

Alisha glared down at the phone in her hand. It took an enormous amount of effort to suppress the urge she had to throw it against the sidewalk and stomp on it in a terrible temper tantrum. But it wasn’t the time for her to give in to her Little tendencies. With a sigh, she walked across the street to find an outfit like the asshole had ordered.

It didn’t take her long to find something that would fit; she didn’t care about style after all. While paying, she checked with the clerk if she could use the fitting rooms to change her outfit.

With her purchases in hand, she stepped into the fitting room and pulled the curtain shut behind her. It wasn’t the best place to do what needed to be done, but it would have to do.

But before she could even think of taking off even her empty gun belt, a large shape, stepped into the room after her and covered her mouth with his hand.

Chapter 30

“Oh, my sweet, sweet girl,” Rueben growled as he pulled Alisha’s body flush against his. “Your ass is mine. After I’m done with you, you won’t be able to sit for a fucking week.”

He was furious. Although, furious didn’t quite cover the myriad of feelings that were coursing through him. After he’d received the note about Alisha slipping out, he lost his shit, and then he lost it some more, but quickly realized there was little point in roaring at the people around him.

He’d quickly called Dan to tell him what was happening. Thank fuck the trusty detective had promised to call in reinforcements and have everyone on standby.

Then he tried calling his girl. She kept ignoring his calls. When it became obvious she wasn’t going to let him help her, he pulled up the app they’d all installed on their phones. A simple application that helped them keep track of each other. Adam had suggested it, after confiding in them, that he was worried about them on the street. This way, he would always know where they were.

He’d have kissed him for it if he had that delicious boy close by right now.

By the speed at which Alisha’s little marker was moving, it was clear she was in a vehicle, but it wasn’t their car because he could still see it parked in the lot out front. Thankful for the fact that he had the keys, he unlocked the car and started heading in the direction the little GPS was directing him.

It didn’t take him long to catch up to her marker. She was on a bus heading into midtown. He kept far enough back to avoid suspicion, but he needed to get his eyes on Alisha soon.

When the bus pulled over for a stop, he wasn’t sure if he should drive past or stop. What if the stalker was watching Alisha too? So Rueben decided to compromise. He drove past, parked on the next corner and doubled back.

From behind a large sign, he watched as Alisha stared down at a different cell phone before walking across the street to a thrift shop. Luckily, Rueben had worked a robbery there about six weeks ago when Alisha had been sick so he knew there was a back entrance.

Sneaking in was easy. The owner still didn’t lock it up after the last robbery.

He stayed in the back as Alisha rifled through a rack for some clothes. And while she asked the clerk about changing, he slipped into one of the fitting rooms.

Her small frame closed the curtain to the stall next to him, and he took his opportunity.

Rueben finally had her in his arms again, and he never wanted to let go again. Not if she was going to do foolish things like put her life in danger. Not even if it was for Adam.

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