Page 7 of Hot Stuff

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Time passes quickly and before I know it, Leo is knocking on the door. I glance behind him and see his huge delivery truck. “No way.”

I flip the lock and Leo saunters into the room, “I told ya I’d come through, Rome. Can’t have our favorite holiday anywhere else but at Mohagen’s.” The man’s gray eyes shine bright and he bops me on the shoulder with a fist. “Oh, who’s this beautiful lady?”

I’m sure he’s already heard about Becca, but that doesn’t stop him from shaking her hand with extra flourish for a man in his seventies. Not that she’s doing anything to deter his shamelessness. Her cheeks are pink, and this is the biggest smile I've seen since meeting her. Feeling slightly left out, I move closer to them.

“Well I for one, am extremely happy you were able to get that glass so fast. I felt terrible. Roman said it was the original that came with the building. I wasn’t sure how a new one would look,” her eyes fall while she talks, and again I feel sheepish for making her feel so bad. My hand rubs the back of my neck anxiously.

“Original?” Leo’s brows shoot up and he lets out a large laugh, glancing from her to me, “My boy. You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“That window has been broken more times than I can count. Your own father broke it about a month into owning this place because he threw a serving tray to one of his employees. Don’t you remember breaking it yourself when you were a child?” Leo’s face is full of smiles like this is the funniest conversation he’s been a part of.

“I remember scratching it. My dad said you buffed it out,” I shrug.

“Buffed it out!” Leo howls at that one. “Your dad paid for it to get fixed before your mom saw so she couldn’t yell at him about letting you play with your toys in here.”

Becca makes a tsking noise, and one glance at her shows she’s enjoying this way too much. My scathing words to her from the other night come back to haunt me. “I guess I sort of remember.”

“Listen, “ Leo continues, “I will ask that you pay how your dad always did. I get free beers for the year, and a hundred in cash. Just keep giving me great reviews, okay?”

Leo slaps me on the shoulder before turning around and back out the door. Becca and I watch as his crew comes over and takes the plastic down, carefully prepping the area for the new window.

“So,” I start, and she turns to me. Her lips twitch while she keeps on a smile. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re forgiven, Roman Mohagen,” She sighs and shakes her head. Fortunately she doesn’t look too pissed.

“Can I buy you dinner as an apology?” The sentence is out of my mouth before I have a chance to think about it. It feels right though, asking her to eat with me. I actually enjoy her company and want to know more about her.

Her eyes trace over my face as if looking for something, some type of confirmation that I’m not going to be rude to her, but that I genuinely want to apologize. I want her time. “Okay,” she agrees, and I watch as her eyes turn soft and she almost looks vulnerable.

“How about this weekend?” I keep this going, loving the way Becca seems to draw closer with every word I say.

“Not on Calzone day?” Her brow rises and I fight the urge to laugh.

“It will be all hands on deck here that day. We get swamped. You should stop by though and grab one. Take it home and enjoy it in peace and quiet,” I remember how she told me that sometimes huge crowds make her nervous. If she wanted, I would make her her own special recipe Calzone, bake it just right, and keep it warmed until she could get it.

“I think I’ll take you up on that.” She laughs and nods, before wiping her hands on her leggings. She glances at her phone, and her smile falls slightly. “I have to get going. I can come back tomorrow and help with the staining around the window.”

I open my mouth to tell her no, she’s done enough already, but she cuts me off by holding up her hands.

“You can’t say no to me. I will be here bright and early.”

I don’t get a chance to respond because soon Leo is back and we’re discussing the window, his cleaning crew stopping by tomorrow afternoon to wash it. Becca manages to sneak out with just a wave of her hand. The minute she’s gone the place seems lonely. And that is one feeling I’ve never associated before with the restaurant building that made my family who we are.



Iwatch the sun sink into the water by the harbor, and even though its beautiful, I can’t stop the yawn that sneaks past my lips. I’ve been up for way too long and my night is just starting. That's why a day job doesn’t mix well with the life of a crime lord’s henchmen. I should have just paid Roman the money and stayed away from Mohagen’s, but now I’m wrapped in and living a third life. Worst of all, I’m lying to him about it all, and he has no idea. I can’t even tell him my real name is Isolde or my cover will be blown. So instead, I’m not being honest about my reasons for being in Candy Cane Key, and hiding it from Adam about where I’ve been during the day.

Now that Adam has slid out from whatever rock he was hiding under, he suddenly has an interest in what I’ve been doing, and who I’ve been talking with. I didn’t know he was watching me secretly when I went to the bank yesterday. He questioned me all about it on our way down to the bay tonight. I barely had time to change and shower after working at Mohagen’s before he was at my door and demanding I help him with a job for Dimitri. Still, I’m leery. I didn’t trust Adam before, and I definitely don’t trust him after he ran me off the road and into a building.

“You’re quiet tonight.”

Speaking of the snake, Adam joins me at the ledge where I’m observing the shipment on a cargo ship that is set to dock tonight. When I’m not watching the ship, my eyes are scanning the horizon looking for pirates, or potentially, law enforcement. Many of Dimitri’s men are already here and waiting to help transport the goods back to their boss under the guise of the company that Adam set up while we are here.

“We’re working on a job. I didn’t know commentary was necessary,” I glance at him before turning my attention back to the dark, rippling waters. I fight the urge to yawn again, keeping my jaw clenched tightly.
