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The revenge that was my vow to the immortal Furies? My entire reason for this second life? I’ve found the targets. Nolan solved the case, and delicious rage floods my veins.

“Sadie?” He stares at me. “Your eyes have gone completely black.”

Same as Kiva’s have. She too has waited to know who shot the arrow that killed her. “It’s time to take the revenge I promised my makers.” My voice sounds as though it doesn’t belong to me. It’s otherworldly, supernatural, and sort of scary, but with immortal-approved anger wrapping me up in its deadly embrace, this voice feels right.

Nolan doesn’t freak out. Instead, he keeps asking nosy cop questions as if nothing’s out of the normal. “What about the panic shout?” he asks. “The chaos? Even though I’m not feeling it.”

“The sigils and charm have protected you.” I glance at Bunny and my sisters who wear the same protection and weren’t affected. Unlike the marshal captain who tried to go berserker on Furies. Stupid traitor. She’ll be safer knocked out until our Houses can decide what to do with her. “I need to go. Vengeance calls.” And oh, how sweet that promise tastes.

He comes closer.

“Nolan.” Dottie’s tone carries tons of warning. She’s the only Fury without black eyes right now. She has already taken full revenge for her death. “I wouldn’t poke at a Fury in blood-rage. Especially not after you broke up with her.”

He shakes his head. “I didn’t, I mean I did, but I didn’t. Before you fly off, can we put the mating bond back? Not being able to sense you has been the absolute worst, and if you’re going to face danger or death—”

“Worth it for payback on what they did to my family,” I tell him.

“One kiss,” he says. “Please, Sadie. Don’t leave us like this.” He steps to the end of the marble where the stairs begin, and I fly until we’re eye to eye, my whip still warm in my hand.

“Try not to bite his face off,” Dottie says. “Killing him isn’t on the agenda.”

I grin, and the sight must be terrifying with the way Bunny gasps. “That’s it for me,” she says in a rush. “I’m off to my kidlets before the apocalypse.” She dashes away.

“Just one kiss?” I ask him, savoring the god-like power on my tongue.

“Negotiable,” he says. “Like I’m hoping you’ll revisit your just one night limit when you’ve finished the whole bringing down wrath thing.”

“Mates?” I need to know.

“Forever.” There’s a solemness to his answer, a weight.

I touch my lips to his, and he kisses me sweetly, softly. Almost as if he’s saying goodbye. I’ll have none of that. I deepen the kiss, claiming him as my mate and pulling away to seek my revenge. I won’t have that bloodlust staining our future together more than it does our past. Colors burst across my vision. The mating bond has returned—still incomplete but tangible as though a thread runs between us.

He jumps as if my touch electrocuted him. “God-level magic,” he whispers.

“Did I hurt you?”

“Doesn’t matter.” His answer dodges my question. “It’d be a helluva way to go.”

The rush of divine energy swirling around us has me gripping my whip, ready to lash out at whatever new threat’s arriving. My heart thuds loudly in my chest, and the magic spiraling through me amplifies with a jolt. A static electricity crackles through the air, making the hairs on my neck and arms stand on end.

My immortal mothers. They’re here.

Three women in black cloaks stand in a fog untouched by the sunlight. One has giant bat wings, wearing a short dress and thigh-high boots that do little to conceal the black coils slithering along her skin. The second seems to have little form within her cloak except cold darkness. The third? She created me. When she stood above me in my family’s attic, I’d believed her to be a dark angel in despair. The inky black of her wings, hair, dress, eyes, and tears makes her pale marble skin look bone white.

“We appear before you and your mates, my daughters.” She sounds as if she speaks with the voice of thousands blended together. “This deity city is not what we dreamed, and you are the only ones who can fix that. Your wolf has opened the door to the enemies’ temple with his shifter’s blood given in sacrifices to the bastard children of a dead god. You have all you need to find the vengeance you swore.”

“And Pan?” Nolan asks, and I want to shush him, to shield him behind my wings before the immortals can strike him down. He doesn’t hide his fear of the one with the snake-looking tattoos that move.

A chilling laugh comes from the cloaked one. “Bastet will deal with the should-be-dead god. Dr. Bomani, I believe you call her. The cat goddess from another culture, another magic, an older time. She’s an ally in this.”

“Stop the Huntresses,” the one with the stripper boots says on a hiss, and I almost expect Gorgon-worthy snakes to pour from her skin. Nolan backs up another step. “Rebuild the city to be the safe haven it was meant to be.” She flicks a hand toward the sky. “We will send all your sisters to make it so.”

“Take your vengeance,” my creator orders. “Spill their blood as they spilled yours.”
