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Hour 40


Ebony and Rook were at the Dragon Hunters interview. I didn’t envy them that job.

I’d finally managed to get a short nap, but it was haunted by nightmares of chasing Vex through a dark forest, never able to catch her.

The channel where the interview would be hosted was running on the TV in Vex’s room. I didn’t usually watch our interviews, but I couldn’t risk Rook screwing up again.

The sun was already starting its descent as the afternoon stretched on. Vex’s phone was on the edge of the bed, plugged in to charge indefinitely so we wouldn’t miss anything.

I stared down into the boxes of Vex’s things that I’d arranged to be brought from her apartment.

“This is her stuff,” Drake rasped. “Her nest. We should let her pick where it goes.”

I nodded numbly.

“We can…” My voice was too hollow. I cleared my throat. “We can put the rest of it up.” I’d rush ordered a bunch of stuff under the pretence of giving Drake something to do, but to be honest, I needed it just as much.

Hopelessness was starting to dig its claws in.

It didn’t help that I was staring down at her dream board. Numbly, I began hanging some lights that matched the pictures.


Whenshe was back.

I wasn’t ready to face the possibility that we might never see her again.

The voices on the TV addressing the Dragon Hunters franchise grated at my mind though the interview hadn’t begun yet.

I didn’t give a fuck about the stupid franchise. She was still out there.

She was suffering right now.

When I heard the buzz of a phone I jumped, lights tumbling from my hands.

Adrenaline blitzed through my exhausted system, but Drake got there first, tapping the phone open, eyes scanning the screen.

“It’s another video.”

My stomach dropped. Drake paused, and I felt his terror through the bond.

“If you want me to tell you what’s in—” I began.

“No,” Drake hissed, then hit the play button.

Vex was the only thing I truly saw as she lay upon the sheets of a bed. She was staring up at the camera, golden eyes shocking in their brightness and fury. She was terrified, I could see that beneath everything.

Her face was pale, and her eyes were haunted.

“I can’t understand why you want her back,” the distorted male voice said. “She’s a brat. That’s why I avoid omegas—shallow cunts, the lot of them.” He laughed. “You know the first thing she ever fought me on?” The alpha’s fist closed around her neck.

The whole world stopped. I shifted forward, my breath catching, but he didn’t press down.

She was so small, fighting beneath him.

