Page 18 of In the Cockpit

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“Uh, good morning.” I said.

“Good morning,mi cielo. You seem troubled.”

“Of course I’m troubled. I’m naked. You’re naked.Jason is naked.” I hissed.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing” came a sleepy voice from my other side.

“Of course it’s a bad thing. I mean, you both naked in bed is many girls’ dreams, but it is still a bad thing. We’recoworkers!We can’t besleepingtogether.” I flopped back down on the bed and pulled the pillow over my face.

“Hey,” came Jason’s voice. “It doesn’t have to be like that. So we had a sexual encounter. We’re all adults. Are you telling me you have never had a threesome with your friends before?”

I pushed the pillow back off my face and turned to stare at him incredulously “Are you telling meyouhave?”

“Of course! I mean I was a teenager but still. This doesn’t have to be anything you don’t want it to be. Right Alejandro?”

Alejandro let out a sigh “Right. This can be a one time thing. Maybe it will help us be better friends. To have a way to express our . . . aggression in a less harmful way.”

I mean, when they put it that way. I had had an amazing time. And honestly? I would not mind doing it again. “Ok. Fine. We can indulge in this” I waved my hand across the bed “Whatever this is. But only while we’re here. Once we leave, no more. We cannot risk this getting out so it staysin this room. Got it?”

“Got it,” said Jason. Alejandro simply looked at me and then suddenly we were kissing again. I guess one time thing didn’t mean just the one time, but as long as we kept it to this trip we should be fine. Get all this attraction out of our system. What could go wrong?


WELL THE FIRST THINGthat went wrong is that we were late for our team building appointment. I had booked us at a traditional high ropes course but because we had been a bit tied up in other ways we were an hour late for the appointment. Fortunately the guide did not seem to mind. He was way too enamored with the chance to spend time with “real live Formula One drivers”. I rolled my eyes a lot, but he was very professional.

The men actually did seem to be getting along better. They laughed and goofed off just enough that I was able to get some good footage for our social media but not so much that it was dangerous. There ended up not being a trust fall but they still had to work together to navigate the course. I shook the guide’s hand before we left and promised to tag the company in all relevant postings. For a discounted rate, of course.

After the ropes course we returned to the hotel and continued to work on our trust in other ways. Honestly, this was the best team building retreat I had ever attended. I had never felt more at ease with my coworkers than when one was eating me out while the other left spine-tingling hickies all over my breasts. I made sure to return the favor. Over and over again.

Chapter Fourteen

The drive back to SmithRacing was relatively quiet. We were all dealing with the let-down of a fun sexy weekend that would never be repeated. Jason connected his phone to the bluetooth to take over the music and we were soon happily bopping along to The Strokes, which felt like a pun but was just good music.

It was late when we pulled in and the parking lot was empty. Both men’s luxury cars were in their designated parking spots, so I pulled in behind them. We all got out and I stood awkwardly next to the car as they got their bags out of the boot.

“OK,” I said, as they both walked over to me. “So we’re all on the same page, right? About how this weekend was a one-time thing? I think I got enough footage to keep the social media team happy until we head to Azerbaijan next week.”
