Page 21 of In the Cockpit

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Chapter Sixteen

It was not until welanded that I realized we had taken absolutely no footage on the flight.

“Shit!” I yelled.

Alejandro looked up from buttoning his shirt. “What is it,mi cielo? Have you realized your undying love for me?”

Jason chuckled from the other side of the plane.

“No.” I retorted. “We forgot to film.”

Jason raised those insufferable eyebrows and asked “Did you want a record of that for posterity?.”

“No, you dolt” I said. “We forgot to record any footage to send to social media.” I held up a hand against his obvious response, “Family friendly footage.”

“Oh, ok” said Jason. “That makes more sense. Though I must say I would not mind making a sex film with you two.”

“I can assure you that real sex tapes are never as sexy as the actual experience.” said Alejandro. “It will just tarnish on film and make you feel cheap.”

Jason and I both looked at him, mouths agape. “Wait, do you have a sex tape, old man?” asked Jason. He immediately pulled out his phone and started Googling.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” said Alejandro with a glint in his eye. “You may search far and wide but you will never find such a thing online. At least not anything verifiable.”

“Hush, both of you.” I sighed and massaged between my eyes. “Ok, I’ll just tell the boss you were both sleeping the entire time. Quick, pretend to be asleep so I can take a photo as proof.”

This time I was met with two sets of raised eyebrows before the men both flopped back in their seats and gave the worst impression of two sleeping men I had ever seen. Jason gave a dramatic snore just as I tried to snap a picture and we all started laughing. “Oh well, we tried, yes?” I pocketed my phone and tried to remember where the rest of my belongings had ended up.

Of course the team had us staying in a hotel suite together again, but we all once again agreed that this was a thing that could not continue. Our sexy extracurriculars were just that. Extra. We would not be having any physical fun together in a professional setting. We were trying to save a world-class racing team and things were back to strictly business.

Chapter Seventeen

But then we scoredpoints. Us. Smith Racing. Both of our drivers scored points! Ok sure, maybe it’s because a certain red car caught fire on the second to last lap and another driver took a five second penalty, but still. Alejandro finished seventh and Jason tenth. A whole five points scored for Smith Racing and the first time in ages we’d had two drivers in the top ten.

There was nothing for it but to celebrate. I tried to keep my distance at the team party that night, which was not too difficult because everyone wanted a chance to be close to the drivers in our moment of glory. I did catch them both dancing together in a way that would be overly friendly if they weren’t drunk and known rivals. Then they both saw me and suddenly we were all dancing together in the dark, too happy to care.
