Page 33 of In the Cockpit

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“I was not worried. And not just because I know you have earned that spot. But because I am retiring.”

“You,” Jason looked shocked. “You what? But you love racing.” He looked over at me. “Did you know about this? Is this a joke?”

I shook my head. “No joke,” said Alejandro. “I do love racing, but I realized that there is something I love more.”


“You. And Kat. And the life the three of us could build together.”

Jason looked to be at a loss for words and I stepped over to where the two men sat. “That’s why we’re here, Jason. We love you. That crash scared the shit out of both of us and we aren’t complete without you. Will you have us? Both of us? Together?”

He reached out and touched my face, “Kat,” he murmured before looking over my shoulder and reaching out his other hand, “Alejandro. This is a lot to take in.”

I felt my heart drop. “Oh, ok. I understand. We can just go.”

“No!” His fingers pressed into my scalp behind my ear. Not pulling my hair but freezing me in place all the same. “This is a lot to take in, and I cannot wait to figure it all out with you.”

“So yes?” Alejandro’s voice sounded strangled with hope behind me.

Jason let out a laugh. “Yes, you silly man. I love you too.” He leaned forward and pulled Alejandro forward into a kiss. Then he turned to me and pressed our foreheads together. “Both of you.”

“It’s about fucking time you three figured this out!” came Sarah’s voice from the hallway.

I felt Jason laugh as he pulled me into a kiss, Alejandro’s arms around the two of us. Everything as it should be.


Eight Months Later

“And it’s lights out and away we go!”

Twenty cars started screaming towards the starting line as the first race of a new season got underway. But instead of watching from the paddock, I was in the stands, having traded in my work ID for the VIP access of a driver girlfriend. As the cars raced towards the first turn I bounced on my toes screaming for Jason along with his sister and parents. I had worried they would not accept our unconventional relationship, but instead they welcomed me with open arms and hearts.

After the news hit the press there was the expected moaning about the debauchery of professional athletes. But there was also an outpouring of support online. Turns out, a lot of people really do just love to see people in love, and diversity in the sport was welcomed by a vast number of fans. Smith Racing stood by us and treated us as a packaged deal, the same they would any other serious romantic partnership.

We wouldn’t always be able to be together every race weekend, but F1 Academy was a supporting event for F1 the day before, so we were able to resume our hotel sharing for the weekend. Not that we didn’t share a bed whenever we were all together. Home-base for all of us was still in England, and as Formula One’s newest safety car driver Alejandro would be traveling with Jason to every race for the foreseeable future. It made me feel better that should anything like Hungary happen again, my two men would be there to look after one another.

I looked down into the pit lane and waved to Alejandro. He threw me a kiss and then returned his focus to the race. I smiled and looked back to the track.

The End
