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A buffet-style dinner has just finished being served and I look around the room. It’s well past 9 pm and I haven’t heard from the boys or Colton since his little stunt at the start of the party. I don’t even know if they’re still hanging around. Nic isn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He’s too proud and he would have shut down the second they walked out of here, but this is me. Surely, he would have stuck around to sort shit out, right?

Fuck. I really screwed this up. No, Colton really screwed it up. I should have called his bluff and told him to fuck off but he would have pushed back harder and there’s only so far Nic can be pushed. It wouldn’t have ended well, and either way would have broken me.

I look down at my phone on the table and spin it for the billionth time.

To call him or not to call him? That’s the question.

I let out a heavy sigh and Milo looks over at me. “It’s not just going to magically ring,” he tells me after having watched me for the past two hours sulking. “If you want to fix this, then you need to make a move. I know this is all on Colton, but to them, you’re the one who chose. You have to make it right because right now, they’re all hurting.”

“I don’t think you understand just how hard that’s going to be. We’re not the type to sit and talk out our feelings. It’s just not the way things are between us. We’re the ‘rub some dirt on it’ type of people.”

“I don’t think rubbing dirt on it is going to fix it this time. Besides, you know what’s going through Nic’s head right now?” I look up at him, not wanting the answer but there’s no stopping Milo when he has something to say. “Right now, that boy of yours is picturing Colton’s hands all over your body and that sweet ass of yours taking his cock deep, just like the way you used to take his.”

Fuck. No.

My bottom lip pouts out and I realize that he’s right. I have to make a move and I have to do it now before I lose them. Those boys are all I have in this world, apart from Milo, of course. I have a feeling this guy is going to stick to me like glue until our dying days.

I let out a heavy sigh and grab my phone, wondering how I’m going to play this before aiming my guilt trip at the weakest link, the one who’s going to cave the easiest. I know he can’t resist my puppy dog eyes, and he’s the one who is going to cave like a little bitch.

Ocean – Please tell me you guys don’t hate me?

There’s a short pause before my phone lights up in my hands.

Sebastian – We’re in the pool house. Come out and we can talk.

Oh, shit. No cheesy emojis or comments about still fucking me anyway. This is bad.

I push up from the table and look down at Milo. “I’m out. This will probably take a while.”

“Take your time, babe. I’ll text if I’m leaving. We can chill tomorrow after school.”

I give him a warm smile before bending down and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. I make my way out of the ballroom and cut through the mansion to the back door. I pass through the main kitchen and down into the living area when I find Colton sitting alone in the dark. He leans forward on his knees, his head dropped into his hands.

My heart breaks. I want to run to him, crash into him, and tell him that while the pain may never go away, it gets easier. But if I stop to be with him now, I’ll never get back what I had with those boys and I can’t lose that. They’re too important to me.

Colton raises his head and he watches as I cut through the living room and out the door.

My heart races, desperately begging me to go back to him, but I won’t dare. I have to make this right with Nic and the boys. They’re my support system and without them, I’m nothing.

As I walk out past the pool, the door of the pool house opens and Nic walks out, his eyes focused heavily on mine. Elijah, Kairo, and Sebastian follow him out and all four of them stare as they slowly make their way toward me.

The walk to meet them in the middle is torture. The looks on their faces are awful.

Nic looks like he’s about ready to tear me apart while also somehow looking like a little puppy that’s just been pushed aside. Sebastian is weary. He knows how much I love them and is more nervous about how Nic is going to react. He knows I’m heading for a verbal smackdown and he hates it.
