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Mom’s lips pull into a tight line and I can’t help but notice the heaviness behind her eyes and realize just how hard today must be for her as well. She’s probably been living Dad’s death all over again, just like I have been. “No, sweety. He instructed Maryne and Harrison to take care of the funeral arrangements. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want anything to do with the process, but it’s okay, he’ll find another way to say goodbye. Besides, the poor boy has a lot to do with his mom and sisters not here. Charles has a lot of affairs to get in order and all that has just fallen on Colton’s shoulders.”

“I …” I cut myself off, not really sure what to say right now, but knowing that if I think too hard on it, I might just break. I’m thrown back in time to when Colton and I were standing in the foyer of the mansion and he was yelling at his dad about not wanting any of this. He didn’t want to be some stuck-up CEO, but now it’s too late. This empire is his and from here on out, he has to be the son his father always demanded of him. “Maybe I should offer to help with the funeral arrangements? I don’t want to be in their way but I can’t just stand here and do nothing.”

“No, sweety. I offered my assistance this morning and the offer was declined. They don’t want to go against Colton’s request and would like to settle it quickly and privately using the information they’d gathered from Charles over their time working for him. As sad as it is to say, apart from his direct family, Harrison and Maryne were the closest people he had in his life.”

“Yeah but don’t rich people usually have all this stuff sorted out in their wills and pre-arranged?”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CHURCH IS UNAVAILABLE?” comes hollered from the dining room, making both our eyes sweep back into the dining room to find Harrison pacing up and down the length of the table. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU’RE TALKING TO? This service is for the late Charles Carrington and when I say that we want the absolute best for him, that is what I expect to be provided. Now, check again.” There’s a slight pause before Harrison chuffs. “That’s what I thought. Please email me confirmation.”

His call ends and I look at Mom impressed. “Wow, I didn’t realize that he had it in him.”

Mom nods. “Yes, he’s surprised me today. I’ve been hearing him on the phone all day. He’s made some pretty amazing deals but what do you expect? This is Charles Carrington we’re talking about. No less than perfect will be acceptable.”

I nod, knowing far too well just how perfect it has to be. If Bellevue Springs has taught me anything, it’s that a man’s reputation is everything. It comes before business, family, and love. It’s all that matters because without a stellar reputation in this world, you’re as good as done.

“Alright, sweety,” Mom says, leaning in and giving me a tight hug. “I have to go and make sure the kitchen is in order so everything is perfect if Colton decides to come up for air.” I nod and she goes to walk away before stopping herself and looking back. “Perhaps you could go and find him. I know the two of you have become friendly. Maybe he needs some company.”

With that, mom scurries off to her duties and as I watch her go, her shoulders slump making me realize just how tired she must be. Mom has been working around the clock since the second we moved here, but the last few days with party preparation, the masquerade ball, and then the massive clean-up that has fallen solely on her shoulders would have almost killed her. Not to mention that she would have heard just how Charles died and would have spent her day struggling to hold it together. She’s stronger than anyone I know, but she’s also only human.

Mom disappears around the corner and I let out a breath. She’s right. Even if Colton doesn’t want me to hang around, I have to at least try. The only question is, where the hell is he? Harrison said he’d been MIA ever since walking out of his father’s office this morning.

When my dad died, all I wanted was to be alone, but more than that I wanted to forget, and the only way I was able to forget was by drinking until I passed out, and just like that, I know exactly where he is.

I make my way into the Carrington’s private kitchen and just like every other time I walk in here, I’m amazed and in absolute awe, but right now, there are more important things for me to focus on.
