Page 101 of Ben

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“Sounds about right,” I say with a smile.

“What about you? What do you have going on today?” my dad asks.

I shift in my seat and bite my lip. Well, I was planning on going home after this and spending time with Cash and Ford. And then tonight we are going to Cash’s parents’ anniversary party. But I don’t say any of that. I wish I could. But I just can’t.

“Probably just studying with some friends.”

My dad eyes me for a little too long, and I glance away, messing with the salt and pepper shakers. I touch a bit of something gooey on the side and quickly let go of them, fiddling with my napkin instead.

“Yeah, makes sense. It’s your last semester. Fuck, where did the time go? Your mom would be so proud.”

My chest clenches. “Yeah. I think she would be.”

Avery reaches out and threads his fingers with my dad’s, and I stare at their connected bodies for a little too long. It should be weird, but it’s not. It’s perfect, actually.

The two of them make sense.

Like the aligning of the stars.

Two people so different and yet so right for one another.

“So um… you guys together?” I ask softly, and Avery wets his lips, looking at my dad before responding.

“We’re seeing where this goes,” Dad says after a long pause.

Avery rolls his lips between his teeth, nudging my dad softly. “We’re serious about one another. That’s what he means to say.”

My dad clears his throat, and Avery rolls his eyes. “He knows what he wants. He just doesn’t want to admit it.”

I roll my eyes a bit. “Dad, you can admit it. I don’t mind. I’m really happy for you two.”

It’s silent for a long minute, and then my dad sighs. “Yeah. Okay. Avery’s right. He’s it for me, Ben. I… it took me a while to come to terms with it, but he’s who I want.”

I grin at him. “Good. I’m glad. You deserve it.”

Avery smirks at my dad and says, “Told you so.”

“Yeah, whatever. I know. You’re usually right. It’s a problem.”

I watch as he leans over and places a kiss on Avery’s temple and my heartbeat triples. For a second, I envision Ford and Cash here with me too. What would that look like, the two of them surrounding me, pressing kisses to my face as I sit across from my dad?

The thought is so overwhelming, I almost lose the ability to breathe.

My mind suddenly shifts to a day in the future, where I’m walked down the aisle, my dad at my side, Ford and Cash waiting for me at the end.

My mom’s face flashes in my line of sight, and I feel my eyes well up with tears.


I swipe at them and take a long sip of my coffee. It burns my tongue, but distracts me enough from the sting in my throat and eyes.

“You okay?” my dad asks, and I nod, gulping roughly.

“Just… I had a thought. I’m fine.”

He looks concerned, and I wave my hand around. “Just thought about Mom. You know…”

“Yeah,” he says, and Avery puts his arm around Dean.
