Page 111 of Ben

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“I love scavenger hunts.”

“Fuck you both,” I grumble as I yank on my pants and start to fix my tie. They’re both laughing at me, and I swear, I should be mad, but instead, I just feel light.

This night should have been so fucking awful, a strain on my mind, but they’re here with me and everything just seems right.

“Let’s get you both put back together,” I say. “I worked up an appetite.”

* * *

We eventually make our way back to the party. None of us are in a hurry, except our stomachs signaling to each of us that we want to eat.

It’s amazing how much energy fucking takes out of a person. I should have a six-pack by now with all this thrusting.

“Really, what is wrong with you?” my mom asks when we finally make our way back to a table, our plates full once more. “You disappear and then show up looking…” She waves her hand around, looking flustered.

“Had some fun,” I say and then plop down on my chair and shove a crab cake into my mouth. I don’t know why I’m feeling defiant, but then again, I’m forty-two years old. I can do whatever the fuck I want. If she doesn’t like how I’m behaving, she can just not invite me next time.

“Well, get up. I have someone I want you to meet. A very important client.”

I don’t know why the fuck she wants me to meet a client, but I get up anyways, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I hope I have something stuck in my teeth. I hope I’m an embarrassment.

I glance back at Ford and Ben, and Ford blows me a kiss causing me to smirk.

That fucker.

“So who’s this important client?” I ask and my mom doesn’t answer, just continues walking until I see my dad speaking with a man in a dark suit. As soon as he turns, my heart rate doubles.

“Anthony,” I say, and my mom’s eyebrows rise.

“You know each other?”

“Yeah. We do.”

Anthony takes a sip of his drink and says, “I’ve had the pleasure of Cash working on a few of my cars.”

“Ah,” my dad says.

“Nice to see you here,” I say, hoping like hell Anthony doesn’t say anything to Dean if he sees Ben and Ford in attendance. Although they’re on the other side of the yard, so I doubt he will. But then, Anthony seems to see everything. There’s a reason he’s so powerful and rich. A lesser, more distracted man wouldn’t last this long in his position.

“I didn’t know you were in business together,” I tell my dad, who just nods.

“Have been for years.”

I frown at that. I knew my father dealt in some shady business, but I didn’t realize how far it went. Although, technically we’re in business with Anthony, too. Dean seems perfectly fine with continuing to work on Anthony’s pet projects.

I glance over my shoulder, hoping that Ford and Ben stay away, but of course neither of them do. They’re walking hand in hand toward us, concern in both of their gazes. They’re probably looking at my face and thinking something is wrong. Well, there is. Something is terribly wrong.

I should have never brought them here. Ben isn’t ready for Dean to know about us and we need to be the ones to tell him. He can’t find out from any of these fuckers. It will destroy him.


I turn my gaze back to my parents, and I see Anthony’s lips twitch. Oh, he so fucking knows.

“I see you have a secret hobby of your own,” he says before adding, “Hobbies.”

My gaze darkens, and Anthony takes a slow sip of his drink.

“If I’d known, I wouldn’t have invited him,” Anthony says slowly. Looking more amused than anything. My heart stops as my gaze shifts up and I see Dean making his way through the crowd, his hair a mess, his hand fiddling with the tie around his neck. He looks like he got dressed in the car. I have no earthly idea why he’d be here. He’s never come before. The only reason Ford has ever been to my parents’ place is because he forced his way in.
