Page 20 of Cage

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I take a few turns I usually wouldn’t make to see if the asshole keeps following me. On the third turn, I debate going to the police station, but at the last minute, the headlights are gone, turning down a side road. I blow out a breath thanking God it wasn’t him. I don’t know what he wants or is willing to do to get it.



The vans are loaded up, and the guns are ready to move. We’re ready to move, and I can only think about Twitch. What the hell is he thinking going to her shop? What the fuck did he want? Either way, I’m going to snap his goddamn neck for him. He has no business going around her at all. He should be watching the fucking club, not my girl.

I’ve thought about shit over the last few days. Shit with Yenni. I want to keep her around. I like having her around. She keeps me stable and calm even when I don’t want to be. That’s saying something about her and who she is.

“You ready to finish this?” My eyes move to Charm, the man I’m buying the guns from.

“You good with what I gave you?” I ask, meaning the money.

“You gave me more than enough, Cage. I’m always happy to do business with you.”

“Is that right? I might use you again in the future, then,” I tell him.

“Have a drink before you go,” he says, motioning to the small bar along the warehouse wall. I assume he has all kinds of meetings here, and that’s why there’s a goddamn bar in a warehouse.

I follow him over and sit on the first stool I come to as he walks around to the other side of the bar and pours two drinks.

“It’s hard finding good partners these days,” he says, passing me a glass. I take it and take a sip before nodding my head.

“Heard that. The last two I had before you turned to shit,” I tell him.

“Yeah, I’ve heard the stories. Ran off with half your shipment, right?” I nod.

“Yeah. Had to hunt the motherfucker down and take it out of his ass,” I admit.

“That’s a damn shame.” He’s not wrong. Mick was a good contact until he decided to try and steal from us. He took the money and ran off with part of our shipment, leaving me to pick up the pieces. The buyers weren’t very happy when I could not deliver on time which angered me even more. I hunted his ass down and cut off his hands so he could never steal from anyone else in the future.

“It is. He was good to work with. Very hands-on,” I tell him. Charm chuckles and shakes his head.

“You told a joke,” he declares, laughing once more.

“Nah, I don’t joke. He lost what he had to. I don’t like goin’ around and doin’ shit like that, but when it’s necessary, I’ll do it.” Charm nods as if he understands, but he doesn’t. I have no problem killing him and moving on to another dealer if he so much as spits in the wrong fucking direction.

Charm reaches over the bar and grabs the bottle when I empty my glass. He refills it and leans against the bar looking out over the warehouse.

“We got a good thing going here, Cage.”

“You gonna keep it that way?” I ask, glancing over at him.

“You know I wouldn’t fuck you over,” he adds.

“I didn’t think the last one would either,” I admit.

“You might be right, but I’m smarter than they were. I know how to keep business.” I nod and take down what’s left of my drink before shoving off the stool. I set my glass on the bar and hold my hand out to Charm. He stands, doing the same and shaking my hand.

“We’re good then, man.”

“Good. Glad to hear that,” he says. I pull away from him and turn, walking toward the guys.

“You ready?” Knight asks me.

“Been ready. Everything good?”

“It’s all good and ready. Half in each van. Two different routes. We should be good, Prez.”
