Page 54 of Cage

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“You’re lookin’ for trouble,” Ridge tells me with a laugh.

“I’m always lookin’ for trouble,” I remind him as I take down the rest of my beer. I turn and face the middle of the room and watch as the guys finish what they’re doing.

“This isn’t gonna end well,” Knight adds.

“It’s gonna end with her bein’ my wife.” Just as I say that, I hear her voice.

“Oh, hell no. Cage!” she screams from the hallway. I look over at see her standing there, taking in the room. Well fuck, that isn’t the look I was hoping for.

“Oh shit. Here it comes,” Knight says. Tarek laughs as I walk over to Yenni and grab her in my arms. Maybe they’re right. Maybe she’s gonna try to run. I’m not letting that happen.

“Just listen to me. This was gonna happen either way,” I tell her. She struggles in my grasp, but I don’t let go.

“You’re insane! Do you know that? Have you lost your mind completely?” she hisses at me. I chuckle and keep her held close to me.

“I love you, Yenni. I wouldn’t be doin’ this if I didn’t think we’re gonna make it,” I tell her. Her fight seems to leave her with those words.


“I know we’re gonna make it. The three of us,” I tell her as I release Yenni and rest my hand on her stomach. “I’ve never wanted anyone or anything more than this. Let me have you. Let me have this. I grew up without a lovin’ home, baby. I never knew what it was like to be loved how I love you.” I see the tears in her eyes as she licks her lips.

“It’s all so fast, Cage. All of this,” she says, motioning around the room. I know it’s fast. I didn’t plan this well, but I know what I want.

“I know it is, and I’m not sorry either. This is what I want, and I think somewhere deep down, you want this too. Nothin’ has ever been normal for us, Yenni. We are who we are, and I never want to change that. But this is us, baby. We’re made for each other.” I see the tears start to fall as she looks around once more. I don’t know what she’s thinking, which drives me insane.

“Say somethin’.”

“I don’t know what to say, Cage. Do I think you’re rushing this? Yeah, I do. There’s already going to be so much change with a new baby coming, and now you want to be married on top of that? We’ve never lived together,” she says, shaking her head.

“You’re here almost every night, Yenni. We basically do everything together. Bein’ married is what needs to happen. This baby deserves to have its parents, don’t you think?” I know I’m pulling the wrong card right now, but I have to make her see what’s right in front of her. I want her. I love her.

“I do think the baby deserves both parents, but that doesn’t mean we have to be married, Cage. You bought us a house!” She reminds me.

“And we’re gonna live in that house and raise this baby. Just do this for me, Yenni.” I almost say please, but that isn’t the kind of person I am. I don’t beg, but for her, I might.



“I said okay. As much as I think we’re rushing this, I can’t see being without you either. I want us to be a family, and … if this is what you really want, then I’ll do it.” I don’t think I’ve ever smiled as wide as I am right now.

Deep down inside me, I knew this was what I wanted. I knew that I wanted her, and there was no way I would let her go. I didn’t care what I had to do to keep her.

I know I should feel bad for forcing her into things, but I don’t. She knew the kind of man I was when she first met me. She knew I did things my way, and that was it. Now she’s mine, and she’ll always be mine.

“I love you, baby,” I tell her as I grip her face.

“I love you too.” That’s the first time she’s said those words to me. And I’ll take them.


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